Yeah, that's one thing I left out. I would normally just hunt behind the house or somewhere else local, but this weekend is the youth gun season and here all other seasons close during youth season. Lucky little turds. I know my wife is sincere in telling me that I should go. She's definitely not one of those who says go and then you have hell to pay when you get back. She actually will be the first one to jump on my four wheeler and run out to help my colorblind old butt blood trail a deer if I'm close enough. One time she actually offered to drive four hours and pick up a buck I'd killed in Missouri so I could stay in camp with my brother. I didn't let her do that, of course, but it was a nice offer. She's also helps field dress and process the deer I kill. I'm a lucky man. Yeah, I will probably be going back to Kentucky after work Friday.
Hmm new development to consider. My daughter will be heading up to a friend's college on Friday to pick up a friend and returning on Sunday night. The route there is in the mountain zone and passes a huge swath of national forest. ML season ended up there a bit over a week ago, but archery is still open. AND the season is open for both bear and deer...hmmm I guess I could throw a bivy setup together...though there is supposed to be some precipitation on Sunday...cooler weather. Decisions, decisions.
Sounds like you are a lucky man to have a wonderful supportive spouse!! I’m a lucky man as well. My wife has always been supportive of my hunting, she even attempted to join me in the woods. She went to a hunter safety class, learned how to shoot a bow, but lasted only two hunts. It was early October she was wearing my winter gear and was still cold....LOL!!! I’d jump on it, and then make it up to her at a later date with a surprise dinner or overnight getaway!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Keep your chins up, guys! I live in Iowa and have noticed delayed rut activity for this time of year. Not as many rubs and scrapes, not as many buck pictures, and hell not even as many deer hit on the highway. I contribute it to a combination of warm temperatures and almost all of the corn is still in, which usually would be harvested a week or two ago. The good news? November 1st is a week away!
Well, I made it through the rain to my brother's place in Kentucky. The temperature is dropping fast. The rain slowed to a light drizzle around sunset and the deer were pouring into the fields as I was driving by. Just about every picked/shelled/cut (whatever you call it wherever you're from) corn field had deer it it as I drive by. Tomorrow morning should be a good sit. I may not kill one but I'd bet a paycheck I'll see some.
Got my first doe of the season on the ground will post her up in a bit Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
On the rain thing... yeah this is gonna suck balls. I just brought a tarp, not a tent. And I setup camp on top of a mountain. Oh yeah and I had my daughter drop me off, so I'm stuck (till Sun when she picks me up) when this turns to a sh_t show. The plan was to hunt due east then south on Sat. And then meet my daughter on the road about 2 miles south of my dot. Did I mention my daughter doesn't know how to drive in snow? So now it's 2am and I'm rethinking my whole plan...nice. at least I have signal. At the pick where I am I'm only about 1/4 mile in from a road but up about a 1000 ft ridge. I had to ford (good move to remove the boots and cross bare foot) a stream where I saw deer prints...the stream will be a torrent (maybe uncrossable) after the rain...
Traditional equipment only tonight fellas hope u guys are settling into ur stand or already there I think it's gonna be a great evening!!! Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
Sorry guys it’s been awhile, got busy. Messed up on a wall hanger last night, hoping for revenge tonight Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I let a doe walk yesterday morning then missed a 8 Pointer this morning at 40 yards I’m not going out this evening I’m going to regroup and do some 40 yard shots from my practice stand at home and head back out after work tomorrow Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Yeah. Rained like cats and dogs. I set the tarp real low and stayed dry. I'm spent hiking though. I hiked out this morning, 5 or 6 miles. Jumped one in some think rhodedendrons. Found a field late yesterday with tracks, scrape and fresh poop but left stood 5pm add the rain was just starting. I sat at the exit to the park, no hunting on Sunday, and saw 5 deer. Smh.
Well guys my weekend ended well with 1 more doe for the freezer and I saw 7 deer on the Hoof this morning including an encounter with a decent 8 point that was on edge the whole way in. I think they're starting to cruise a lil but by the next two weeks we should be into to the rut at full swing. That 8 point went into a creek bottom and 5 mins later out pops 2 does so I'm not confident that the chase is on but more confident that the deer are starting to change into a seeking phase before they go completely dumb that buck today knew something wasn't right but couldn't quite tell what to think so he kept moving no sense in a marginal shot on an alert deer. That's a recipe for disaster. Been there done that. Well I'll continue to hunt here an there until I'm off I work a half day Fri then I'm on vacation until the 8th of Nov. Ive seen some magical things happen around those days in the past and look forward to getting out during prime time. I hope you guys are well and ready because we should be into some real action in the coming days. Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
Dam sounded scary for a minute!! I’ve decided to take up my good friend Matt (smitty0220) on his offer of hunting a piece of land here in RI!! I should be hunting it by this weekend!! I’m really looking forward to it! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I was concerned, but on my stupid meter it was probably only a 2 on a 10 point scale. I was quite prepared: tarp, rain suit, extra food, jet boil, water filter, 20 degree bag, puffy coat...a great adventure every now and then keeps you feeling alive Joe, We're both over due...let's kill some deer.
Lol!!! Funny you say stupid meter because I was thinking the same thing Friday morning about myself. On Friday I went in 2 1/2 miles deep to the big hill. I was a little nervous walking in so deep in the dark as I had never done it before. I got down by the lake and had the crap scared out of me by beavers smacking their tails on the water. Then, Once I got up on the top of the hill a owl screeched at me, I almost shat in my pants! Once I found a decent spot I got settled in with grey light fast approaching. When day light hit, I realized there was a big dead tree uphill directly in front of me that had a nice lean on it. I was also set up against another big dead tree. I kept thinking the whole time that this was stupid, what if something happened. Beautiful area one of my most inspiring sit in years with no deer seen. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk