Okay, Joe, I didn't really want to clutter up the Live from the Stand thread with this. I can't help thinking that there is going to be some significant traffic moving north/south to the lake through that valley using the thick stuff as cover. You're hunting from the ground now, right? If you can locate some good trails in the swamp area you might consider taking just the top section of your Viper and set it up at ground level so you're not sitting on wet ground and wear rubber boots. Heck, you could even hunt in standing water. I know some really good hunters that hunt that way. I can't help thinking that your chances would improve. Never having seen this place I didn't know what that area looked like, but that little pinch point I marked in blue definitely draws my attention.
Yeah good idea moving it here!! That’s a really good idea. Tomorrow I have the benefit of going in around mid day so I will go down there and check it out. On the other side of the swamp, there’s a flat shelf between the swamp and almost a cliff going straight up vertically. I always wondered if they used it as a travel corridor Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Thank you, I really appreciate the help, and extra set of eyes to think outside the box! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It was just looking at that topography that you posted that gave me the idea. Those valley walls look STEEP, and while deer can definitely handle steep, they usually avoid it if they can. If there is good forage and cover to the south then I'd bet you would see some action setting up a stand between there and the lake.
Yeah, it's some crazy terrain, almost a vertical cliff. up top by the saddles is beautiful. I saw ZERO signs of any other hunters when i walked up there last year. I found the military crest of the ridge, and there was a buck run, but it was nothing that jumped out at me. there were some rubs, but they were on smaller or trees, or the bigger ones hadnt been touched in years. Looking at the dates on my pictures i took from there last year, it was on october 22nd. I was surprised to not see any rubs or scrapes. So i dismissed the area and said i'd check it this year for sign.
Here’s the picture on the other side of the pond, and the trail that goes up the hill. It is a lot steeper than it looks!! The land to the left of the trail is the vertical cliff. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It’s just about that time, I think tomorrow I’ll be bringing out the antlers and the grunt tube Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
At the VA hospital,hurry up and wait!! Can’t wait to go out this afternoon!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Son of a _____. Weird wind today. Went to a place I hadn't sat all year...before I could even set the stand. Eyes... Lights out 1 hr till shooting light.
Another weekend of no deer sightings for me. I’ve decided I’m done with the area of the woods I’m hunting. There is so much land, so much thick stuff, there is no rhyme or reason as to how and why the deer move. I need to just get away from there and use the land features to naturally direct the deer runs. I’m going deep from here on out..... Bow hunt and die if I must!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
This weekend was a bust for me also. Saw a handful of deer, but my cameras arn't showing enough daytime buck activity to get me excited. I'm going to try to get out of work early Friday and try to pop a doe in my close stand. Going to hit my best spots hard Saturday and Sunday with temps dropping in the twenties.
Is it Friday yet?? I’m looking at an all day hunt both Friday and Saturday. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Okay, I'm not sure whether to call this a rant or a whining session, but since September 2nd I've hunted hard. I've even burned four of my limited vacation days trying to get an early season buck. Since then I'd bet I've sweated enough to fill a five gallon bucket. It was a vicious cycle: nice, cool temps during the week and sweltering temps starting Friday through Sunday. This past weekend I hunted Friday afternoon, Saturday (am and pm), Sunday afternoon and Monday morning. It was very warm and I finally saw one stinking deer Monday morning in the light rain, a buck (couldn't tell how big he was) ghosting through the brush 45 yards away. Well, weekend after next we leave for our 11 day hunt in Missouri, so I told my wife that I would stay home this weekend. Wouldn't you know it? The low Friday night is supposed to be 36. The high Saturday is only supposed to be 48. The low Saturday night is supposed to be 31. Are you kidding me? I've been sweating my backside off for almost two months and the first weekend I can't go it's going to be perfect conditions? Sunday I found a brand new scrape line on my primary spot going right by my trees that I hunt in. Seven scrapes on a trail in less than 100 yards. Nothing walked it Sunday afternoon or Monday morning, but you can bet they'll be there this Saturday and Sunday. My wife is telling me I should go ahead and go and she means it, but I don't know. It sure is hard to skip Halloween weekend when the first really cold temps are going to arrive. It wouldn't be so hard if it were going to be another weekend of highs in the mid-80's with lows around 70, but this is prime conditions.
I'm right there with you. Even been considering taking Wed off this week as it will be cool and a front moves through Wed night...frustrating and ML season opens where I hunt on Sat.