We should change our team name to skunk works!!! I got skunked today too. I haven't seen a deer yet this year. This is my last year hunting there unless something amazing happens. I did get swooped down on by an owl both days in a row from seeing my eyes move!!! The ghille suit is awesome, just can't wait to see how deer react to it. Kinda bumming, these woods have so much sentimental value to me, hunting anywhere else feels wrong, but it rips my heart out year after year. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
There aren't a lot of deer in there, but they are in there. There are monster bucks in there as well. I'm a needle in a haystack and truly have to be lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time. My dad has hunted it since the 80's and has told me that time and time again. He's had rut hunts where he hunted it 6 days in a row, all day sits and hasn't seen a single deer. BUT, he's had years where he's been in the right place at the right time many days in a row. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Hang and hunt action tonight guys gonna get a lil closer to bedding and keep my fingers crossed good luck to you all also Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
Got out last night and the deer were moving. Saw 13. Passed on a doe with two fawns and a couple younger bucks all within 20 yards. Felt like a big one was going to step out last night but it didn’t happen.
So, after my mis-adventures in Kentucky on Saturday the 7th where I winged a really big buck because my cam nicked my stand, I'll finally be heading back to Kentucky mid-day Friday to give it another go. A two day muzzleloader season opens on Saturday but I really want to hunt with my bow. I'll be hunting Friday afternoon, Saturday, Sunday and then Monday morning. After that I only have a couple of weeks until my annual 11 day hunt in Missouri gets here. I've already gotten my vacation approved, my tags are in my pocket and I've already started some preliminary loading in my camper. I get really pumped about the Missouri rut hunt.
I bowhunt during ML season too, I just additionally start carrying a side arm at that time. Once rifle season starts (mid Nov) the bow gets put away till the freezer gets loaded. Good luck. Looks like cool autumn weather may finally be getting a foothold.
I'm hoping that the weather cooperates. With the exception of the 7th of September when I shot the doe, the temps have been really warm and while I've had opportunities and can't complain, I'd appreciate some cooler fall weather. I'm kind of tired of having to wear a jacket to work and then having to hunt in a stupid T-shirt on the weekends. It was absolutely perfect here this morning. I actually put on a light jacket to go out and clean the horse stalls when I got home today. The temps are supposed to creep back up by Friday though. Still, the high temps are forecast to be in the mid to upper 70's - better than the upper 80's/low 90's I was dealing with. Also, the wind is supposed to be out of the SSE the entire time, which isn't great for my spots, but hey, the wind was out of the SSE when those bucks walked under me. They just came from an unexpected direction. I've also noticed that on almost every sit the thermals have been carrying my scent up and not down. Hey, I'll take it. Even if nothing else exciting happens this season I can say that on October 7th I got to see something not many other hunters see: Three shooter bucks all with their nose to my tree at the same time. I still can't believe one of them didn't look up. All of that antler literally under my feet was an amazing sight. I wish I could have captured it on film, but even if I'd had a camera I most likely wouldn't have risked the movement.
I'll be heading out Friday afternoon after my morning appt at the VA hospital. I'll be doing my first full day sit of the year on Saturday. Lunar charts are calling for an active midday. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I'd give real money to be in the woods tomorrow, Wednesday and Thursday. I love hunting during a new moon. Unfortunately I'll be hitting the woods the same time as Joe - Friday afternoon.
I’ll be doing my first all day sit on Saturday! I’m really hoping something happens Friday afternoon or Saturday. I’d really like to contribute some points to the team!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Im off Friday so I will be out most of the day and also going to try and head out to public land lookin for sign. I'm sure the cold front that will be pushing through this weekend should show some good movement and I'm hoping it's past one of my stands. It's been a really slow start to the season so far I haven't even seen a deer hit by a car yet so that explains a little bit imo. It's been too hot in October that's for sure mosquitos are still buzzing and ticks are still biting. I honestly can't wait for days when it 30 or 40 at the most for highs. I have had several opportunities at younger bucks but no shooters and then when I do see a possible pop up on camera the movement is nocturnal so at this point I'm looking for some pre rut action and if I don't get a doe by the end of Oct well I'll be waiting for late season. Does are prime bait and one of the keys to shooting a mature whitetail. Best of luck team and the rest of this week guys and shoot straight!!! Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
We are definitely having some cool mornings now highs in the low 70 should make for a good evening hunt Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
Alright ladies, I'm back from Colorado. Time to get back in the tree. Hunting Saturday morning for sure. Need to check my trail cameras which I have touched in a month and come up with a game plan from there.
I must've missed your Colorado success thread...how'd it go? What did ya learn/do right/do wrong? And most importantly are you now a fellow addict? :D
Haha you've missed the success thread because there was no success. The hunt was very hard. Temps were highs in the 20s and 30s with lows in the teens and it snowed a foot. We weren't equipped for those conditions. Our heater really couldn't keep up in our tent and our clothes never could get dry. Really cold miserable nights. The altitude was a new experience also. It really affected out appetites. We were never hungry at all and had to force ourselves to eat and drink. I did find elk, though. According to my GPS, I covered over 40 miles trying to find where they were. They were above 10k feet and anywhere that there was a south facing hillside with open grass. I only saw one legal bull, but it would have been too far of shot than I was comfortable with. If I could have done it all over again, I would have bought a canvas wall tent and a wood burner and at least one guy that was close to as in shape as me. My dad is in his fifties and he had a hard time with the mountains and the elevation and if I would have gotten an elk down he wouldn't have been much help.
Hey, watch what you day about 50+ year old guys. :D I worked my butt off the first year to try to get ready for my first trip in 2016. In 2017 I was in better shape and vowed 2018 I'll do even better and more to prepare. If you or your Dad are even considering going again next year, I learned it's easier to stay in shape/keep training rather than slack off till next summer...for what ever that's worth. On the gear side: Wet clothes do make you miserable. I've picked up a lot of wool and tech gear but you never know what weather surprises will arise. If you have a good bag you can dry (wool or synyhetics) clothes in the bag as you sleep (from your own body temps), boots on the other hand get a fresh water seal before I go...once wet it sucks. You're right a canvas tent with a heater is money - this year one guy had a Mr buddy heater that we fired up overnight, the time before they had a gas drip heater. Small snacks (I think with some carbs) and lots of sips of water all day are the ticket to cope with altitude. I generally eat more primal (paleo + more fruit/veg/seeds/nuts) at home, but mix it up in the Mtns. I'm surprised the elk hadn't moved down some in altitude since I was out there in mid-end Sept...good to know. It's addictive and I blame and credit the guys on this forum for getting me hooked. 11 months and counting...
Sorry, I didn't mean top rip on the old guys. Haha. I should have said that my dad did nothing to prepare for this hunt and was very out of shape. I workout 6 days a week regardless of the time of the year or what hunt I go on so I'd like to think that I'm in peak physical condition. Still a lot for one man in those conditions. My next elk hunt with be with a bow, but it may be a couple years before I can get back out there. I appreciate the advice!