I'm going to try and get out there this weekend if the weather cooperates. Suppose to rain. It'll be the last opportunity I have to deer hunt until I get back from my elk trip later in October. If it rains, I may just sneak in and check a few cameras near bedding areas that have been soaking for a month now.
I'm planing on going out Friday evening and all weekend all day there's a chance of rain all weekend but as long as it's not super cold and raining I'll be out all weekend Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Hoping to make it out this Sunday morning. Just finished a Home/Patio Show, so ill be super busy running applications for the next few weeks Sent from my LG-E980 using Tapatalk
I'll be heading back to Kentucky tomorrow afternoon. I want to take advantage of the full moon. I just wish it were going to be cooler.
Nothing but a bunch of rain here guys I'll be back out this weekend for sure Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
Can't wait to head out tomorrow and Saturday! Time to get the nockin Niners back to the top! If it's brown it's down!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Haha no "brown it's down" for me. More like "If its a fat old doe its down" or "If its mature or scores over 140 its down".
Well apparently I forgot to set my alarm this morning. I think it's for the best though. I decided not to go out today, because it supposed to be almost 80°. It will take me about three hours to get a deer on ice, after I finish Gutting. I'm pretty bummed, I work my butt off this week to get all my schoolwork done, including some of my normal homework I do on Sunday morning, so I could go out all day today and tomorrow and Monday. Weather is not cooperating at all, it's supposed to be the same way tomorrow. It's like they're calling for rain on Monday, hopefully I can get at least one hunt out of this. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
As much as I want to go back to where I sat last week (the 3 mile hike) and saw 7 deer, winds will be out of the south and it's the wrong wind AND temps around 80...gonna have to give it some thought tonight, but it'll be a game time decision.
This has been a rough trip. I finally took my camper out on its maiden voyage. The camper has been great, but in since I was in a hurry I forgot a level to level the camper, a toothbrush, my gas can for my generators and, most importantly, my phone charger. I didn't realize I had forgotten this stuff until 9:30 last night. I didn't have an alarm clock so I didn't sleep good. I woke up at around 2:00, 3:00, and 4:00. When I woke up at 4/15 I thought that's close enough and got up. So, after the hunt this morning (with a dead phone) I went into town and spent around $50 that I shouldn't have had to spend. Yesterday afternoon (it was 82 degrees) I dropped my ASAT 3D top after I'd climbed 25 feet. Had to climb down, get it and climb back up. This afternoon ( it was 84 degrees), after I climbed this new tree (sawing small limbs as I went) I was getting situated and dropped my phone. So, back down I go and then back up. I didn't see a deer either sit. Ah well , that's hunting. Tomorrow morning will be better. It has to be because rain is supposed to move in midday and I'm going to get down around 9:30, pack up, hook up and head home.
Hopefully you were able to laugh at yourself...like you last week I realized many things I forgot before getting into the woods (hook to hang my bow and my thermacell). And I usually have the drops (phone, hat, balaclava, one glove an arrow) but it's usually just after I got set up and I'm really trying not to overheat. Stuff happens...laugh amd move on. Like you we have weather moving in today so I hope that has them active. Best of luck today everybody. Something will die today...
Okay. I'm up, coffee is made and it's shower time. Then it's off to the stand. One last try before I have to head home.
I called it after the second round of rain. Heavy stuff was moving in. Heard 1 that bust and saw a yote :|
Well I didn’t get out yesterday morning due to work then my evening hunt got cut short as my best friend got shot twice but after getting home from the hospital at 3 this morning I’m back in the stand trying to get it done today I have a mowed clover trail to my north a planted wheat field to my east that’s about 6” tall already and uncut beans to my south and a natural water source to my west. I have 80 yards worth of clear shooting lanes all the way around the stand I’m in so I’m hoping for a decent morning Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums