Nah, I just took my time. I knew I HAD to make a good shot since I was alone. My brother is home now so I have help if I need it. That is a great comfort.
Okay, I'm back on stand. I shifted to a different tree like I always do when I get picked off. This is a much better spot for the travel patterns. While I'm only 10 yards west of the other tree I would have had a clear 25 yard shot at that buck this morning if I'd been here.
So i'm in the midst of preparation for Irma heading our way up in Jacksonville, Fl. Naturally my thoughts and prayers go out to everyone that is going to be affected, if not devastated by this Hurricane. God bless us all. I can't help but think, Man this can't be good for opening day Saturday the 16th. Am I pathetic or what? Sent from my LG-E980 using Tapatalk
Sat the 16th will be good if you're hunting the glades...the deer will all still be huddled on the few bits of dry land. Stay safe and batten the hatches, it's gonna get ugly.
I didn't see a deer this afternoon, but that's not surprising. This spot is a morning spot. I'll give it another chance in the morning.
A week from tonight I'll be tossing and turning trying to sleep on the eve of opening day! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I've been back on my stand for a little over two hours now. No movement yet. I do keep hoping though.
Keep the faith brother. Fwiw-my "backyard" deer were very active yesterday (our & neighbors yard at noon, my yard and adjacent woods at 4pm)...seem unusual. Maybe sensing the coming storm...? If so, with the forecast moving irma toward TN you may start seeing some activity picking up.
Hope you all's mornings are going smooth and for the ones on stand best of luck I'm gonna be prepping for fall plots this weekend. I know I'm a lol late but I might as well give it a go. I'm gonna be planting anything that will hold up against fall temps and produce enough to make it through the fall. Any suggestions? This will be my first time planting and I think I'm only gonna do about an acre so I'm looking forward to seeing it grow and how the wildlife start using it eventually. In other news lol I just pulled the trigger on my first tractor and oldie but goodie Yanmar Ym 1700 gonna go and try to pick it up this weekend so excited about that and to get my hands on it. If I'm not mistaken a division of Yanmar was the ones who started the smaller John Deeres so I think that's also a plus and I think it's going to work for my small plots mowing etc. Only needs a battery and a new wheel seal and if it's not the battery then a starter at the most but it's gonna be fun working on it!!!!!! Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
I don't do foodplots and I'm not a farmer, but here in Iowa a lot of farmers will plant winter wheat late in the summer. The deer seem to be really attracted the fresh green foliage.
I didn't see anything this morning. I moved my stand further west, set it up and went to another property to check my camera there. There's some potential here. Their movement through there is sporadic. They haven't been back through since Tuesday when these were taken.