LOL I was quoting Rob Gronkowski in his interview with a spanish news reporter after they won the superbowl
It looks like the weather is really going to cool off. It's supposed to be 49 degrees Thursday morning. Guess where I'm going to be at 6:00 am Thursday.....
Hopefully not roosting with the turkeys! Yeah that definitely sounds like hunting weather! There definitely going to be moving Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Well it's close enough for me to think about our opener now. Weather will be warm an I'll only be able to hunt the morning half of the day. So now it's time to narrow the viable spots to sit (all are public). Weather works for each. 1) long hike (3miles) in a heavily (late/rifle season) pressured area. Over water, reprod and swampy hardwoods. Never have seen/capture a buck on cam, here. 2) medium rough hike (1.5miles rocky terrain) to a stand of hardwoods bordered by a pine stand (private) and a parcel clear cut 2 years ago (also private). Known travel corridor to bedding. Mix of does, dink bucks and a couple decent bucks. 3) Full pine stand, heavily shaded travel corrider next to timber harvested land last year. Only seen track here and no pics. Known turkey habitat...short hike (.25 miles). Decisions decisions...hmmm.
And next Friday, I'm off to CO to help bz_711, his Dad and neighbor on mule deer and elk hunts. Very different weather.
#3. It's way too early to get too hunt too hard. I get wanting to get out in the woods, but....November. Just remember November.
The temperatures have really cooled off in Kentucky and the drive to get a velvet buck is strong, so I'm taking tomorrow and Friday off and I will be leaving work today and driving back to Mayfield, KY. This will be my last long weekend hunt before November. I just know that if I want a chance at a velvet buck I need to be there early in the year. I'm hoping they move better this weekend that last weekend. I know that they are there and I know where they travel. It's just a matter of them moving during daylight.
Hmmmm.... stand 2 sounds very enticing with the browse from all the new growth, close to bedding areas. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Once again I'm sitting here at my brother's house waiting for the morning. I really hope those turkeys don't come back. I wonder if I should run to WalMart and spend $75 on a turkey tag?
For $75, only if you have a bag limit of about 4...Kroger will have them on sale in a couple months :D