Another complete zero this afternoon. I really expected to see something. Oh well. I'll try for a while in the morning in a different spot. It was a tense walk out. I was walking out along a wood edge and coyotes opened up right next to me in the woods. I fumbled for my Streamlight and flashed it on. I never did see them but I walked the rest of the way flashing that thing all over the place. I know they aren't really a threat but it still makes the hairs in the back of your neck stand up. They were CLOSE.
Got out this evening with the boys fishing. I had one of my son's friends with me that had never been fishing he caught his first bass and 11 fish later we called it a night. My son is really excited about get back out in the stand with me hearing the conversations with his friends about some of last year's hunts we almost sealed the deal on a decent buck he was filming and and by accident hit the camera arm on the side of our two man stand and that buck scooted out fast. Lesson learned and I my son saw his first buck while on stand he just turned 11 fri and now he's ready to start going out a lot more. We hunt in the blind every chance we get too and I look forward to seeing the look on his face when he gets his first deer someday I just enjoy showing these boys what outdoor living is all about and I know they enjoyed themselves today catching a mess of fish!!!! Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Oh, before I forget to tell you Joe - the Hazmore seat is pretty good. I guess I need the footrest to raise my legs off of the front strap and it'll be great. Those Third Hand bow holders are absolutely incredible though! I can't believe I've had two of them for two or three years and never tried them. I just need to round the corners and tape it off. Those corners kept snagging my 3D ASAT suit.
Especially after watching Back Country!! That reminds me of my first time hunting by myself. I was seventeen and had just gotten my drivers license. For some reason I had no school that day, but my dad had to work. It was a very dark morning, no moonlight. I had started walking in and it seemed weird to not have my dad with me, but I had already had three seasons of hunting under my belt. I get about 3/4 of a mile down the cart road and I hear the first coyote howl. stopped me in my tracks. It came from in front of me, and it was close. I kept moving forward kicking a few small rocks to make noise. I then hear a coyote howl from behind me, That really got me nervous! I picked up my pace making a racket all the way to my treestand. I never saw them, but I swear to this day, they were circling me! Glad to hear it! Yeah I forgot about the foot rest, and it taking the pressure off the front of your legs. The bow holder is pretty slick, those corners do suck, good idea on taping them off, I'll have to do the same. You would be praising the stabilizer straps too! Those have made the biggest difference to the stand IMO.
Back on the "turkey stand" for a short sit before I head home. Had a small deer, probably a button buck, trot by a while ago. Movement hasn't been what I expected, but that's hunting I guess. Next weekend should be better.
Sounds like a memorable night! That's awesome your son is interested in hunting. I remember wanting to go hunting with my dad so bad when I was that age. He never took me though until I was old enough to hunt, LOL!! I want to share with you a mistake I made with my son when it comes to hunting, and my experiences with my own father. I'm no father of the year by any means, and I am not preaching, please don't take offense. I'm just doing some small talk! My father was always and still is a fisherman first. His passion for fishing rules his life. When I was a kid growing up, I liked fishing, but it was never really my thing. I think it's because we lived on a lake, and it was at my disposal whenever I wanted it. I would fish with my father a few nights a week after he got home from work. My father would also go fishing on the weekends, to a few different lakes in the area, and always ask me if I wanted to come. I honestly never wanted to. I was not that into fishing. I would rather spend my weekends running through the woods building a fort or playing with my friends. Whenever I would say "No, I don't want to" I could see disappointment in his eyes. I hated that feeling, so I spent many many miserable weekends fishing with my dad. As an adult I do not own a single fishing pole. I still ice fish, but i think thats a completely different animal, it involves food!! Without even realizing it, I did the same thing to my son with bowhunting. He always had a bit of an interest with hunting from hearing my stories and seeing the passion I had for it. When he was 12, I sat with him through the hunter safety course. In the woods I taught him everything I knew. He didn't seem to have the fire or passion for it like I did when I was his age, and I couldn't understand it. He did great his first season. had a few encounters with tremendous bucks for this area. (some funny stories I'll share another time!) I was always reminding him he needs to shoot his bow, it seemed like it was becoming a chore to him. I was honestly a bit disappointed seeing his reaction when I had to remind him. He didn't make it through the second season. Without realizing it I had pushed it on him to hard and he had lost all desire to hunt. As a dad, that was the worst feeling, knowing that I had done that to him. I was selfishly wanting him to experience what I had experienced, not taking into consideration that it was his life and he is a different person than I am with different passions. Now that he is 17, I've had a few talks with him, acknowledging my error, and apologized to him about doing that to him. He will give me a little smirk and say "it's ok dad" He loves shooting guns and has a nice collection going. He asked me this past spring If WE could ever deer hunt with shotguns. (I've never gun hunted) I said, sure, we need to take a safety course but if you want to we can. He had a surprised look on his face because he knows I'm not a fan of gun hunting or guns in general. So we enlisted in the orange army for this fall! It's totally on him when we go! Like I said, I'm not preaching by any means. please don't take offense. There is nothing better than being a dad hunting/fishing with your kids!
Point well taken Joe I know exactly what you mean and I appreciate the reminder. It's ultimately his choice and there is no pressure so it's all at will. Yesterday I mentioned I was getting ready to go out and he said I wanna go and that our neighbor had never been fishing in his life. They have seen me doing it over the years and I think it's grew on my bunch. As far as hunting goes well last year he wanted to go in the stand with me to film a hunt and when we almost got a chance at us harvesting a whitetail he couldn't believe it he kinda froze up with excitement lol as soon as i said here he comes his eyes lit up like a Christmas tree, and after that buck ran off he looked at me and said dad we almost had him it peaked his interest even more and I think I've created a monster and a future deer hunter but honestly there is no pressure it's a lifestyle choice and whether or not he sticks with it in years to come is solely up to him I want love him any different if he choses other. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
I managed to get a couple sits in between family things. Had a couple doe's and a smaller buck that gave me shot opportunities but its still early enough in the season I didn't want to rush processing them with the hot weather. My food plot is looking good so that should really bring them in as soon as crops get harvested around our place. My buddy has a couple real monsters on his place so hopefully we can get over there while they are still in their summer patterns.
I am sooooo pissed that wl704 got that comment in before I did! LOVE IT! Hey Joe, just a don't come with an instruction manual.
after my Spanish class this morning, I now feel confused. LOL! Yo soy fiesta!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk