I hope your evening hunt is better and good luck. I went out and bought a new to me use bowtech fuel this evening Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
I am sooo envious right now. 13 days and a wake up for me! Good hunting! Sent from my LG-E980 using Tapatalk
I have 28 days till the season opener and now I have to get my grouping on my new bow a lot better. I've never used a release before and the pro shop got me using a release tonight and it's fairly nice Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Nice bow! Congrats! I shoot a 2011 Bowtech Invasion, like it alot Sent from my LG-E980 using Tapatalk
I like it a lot but I just got to get use to using a release and not my fingers lol Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Repetition is the Mother of all skills. It'll become second nature to you before long. What kind of release? Sent from my LG-E980 using Tapatalk
Fellows, if I had wanted a doe tonight I could have gotten one easily. Sorry for the delay. It was getting dark enough there that the phone would have illuminated my face. While there is no limit on does here in Kentucky, I didn't take the shot because I didn't want to have to stomp the area up doing a night recovery since there is a good chance that bucks are moving through that little patch of woods. I had an even better chance at 7:30. A lone doe came in and gave me all kinds of chances - all at 10 yards or less. I'll admit that I was tempted, and once my hand went for my bow, but like I said, I didn't want to trash the spot. If a doe does that tomorrow morning it'll be a different story. its been a good day. I'll try it again in the morning.
That sounds like an eventful sit to me anytime you can be in the stand with and opportunity is a good one and I can understand why you didn't do that. As bowhunters we have to have that kind of mentality because we all have goals. Like you said you had that doe many of times but so with that being said I agree that it was a good hunt you didn't get busted and you didn't blow up your spot. Thats hunting and that's what keeps us coming back for more man. Thanks for sharing brother Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Sounds like successful hunt! There is plenty of season to choose the one that feels right. Good luck! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
On another note, I'm hunting a fence line that runs east/west. To the north is the area the deer are moving through. To the south is woods/pasture with cattle on it. The wind shifted to SSW at around 6:00 and oh good Lord at the smell! It's no wonder the does didn't wind me even though they were downwind. The wind is supposed to be the same tomorrow so scent control won't be as much of a concern.
Yeah, I know I was making the best choice. Most of the buck movement here is at night or early morning. If I shoot a doe tomorrow or Monday morning I still run the chance of bumping a bedded buck, but to be stomping through that thick cover at night while they're moving just didn't seem like a good thing to be doing if I want a chance at a buck this weekend. There will be plenty of chances at does here.
Glad your evening sit went better than your morning sit! Tomorrow is a new day, Sunday Bloody Sunday!!
The morning was a total bust. I didn't see a single deer. Im a little surprised, but then again, I only sat until 8:30. I got down and went to Church where my brother preaches. This evening I'm going back to the same stand. I've decided that if a doe gives me a chance tonight im going to take it. I'll just be optimistic.