Acorns are green? I'm colorblind and I've always thought they were brown. It just never occurred to me to ask someone what color they were. You learn something new every day. No, this isn't a joke.
Early on they are green (similar to many other fruits, veggies or nuts before ripening), around the first nip in the air they start to turn brown and rain from the trees. And LC you forgot 1 day and a sleep
Opening morning tomorrow. Unfortunately I will have to wait for a night sit. Its supposed to be a little hot so I have a perfect spot over water next to a food plot. I will be checking cameras while I am out and around so hoping to see some real shooters this year. Good luck and be safe for those hunting tomorrow.
Sorry I haven't been very talkative I just started a new job and in the process of moving but I'm ready for season to start I got all my stands hung, food plots planted last weekend and I'm going to be check trail cams this weekend Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Well I started a job as a auto technician at a shop close to my new house. I went to school for it 5 years ago and couldn't find a decent paying job for it so I went and got a job at a fertilizer plant then the owner of this shop contacted me and made a offer I couldn't refuse since I knew I was going to be moving closer Sent from my iPhone using Forums
It's not that cool here, but I can feel it too. Twenty two and a half hours from now I'll be in a tree in Kentucky.
Very nice!! Being closer to home is going to be great for you! My last job was 63 miles away, so I'd drive that, then get in a truck for twelve hours, and then have to drive 63 miles back home.. got old quick! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I'm pretty excited. I'll be leaving here soon and headed there. I should get there around 1:00 and I'm going to get whatever pics I have off of the camera at my secondary location. Here's hoping there's something moving through there during daylight hours.