I've seriously thought of carrying some blunt tipped arrows for squirrels...or an air gun pistol. I have a similar routine 2 weeks before the opener the clothes get washed, T-1 week permethrin. Good luck!
I'm about 3 weeks away from doing that same thing. I feel your excitement, your getting me Fired Up! Good luck Sent from my LG-E980 using Tapatalk
Yep. Kentucky's season opens the morning of the second. Since today is over with I can say six days, or as we used to say in the military, "six days and a wake-up."
Six days and a wake up... love it!! Tomorrow I'll wash my hunting clothes, and get my fanny pack packed and ready. Still a few weeks out, but these colder temperatures have gotten me in kill mode!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I just got home. It was a good trip. I hung my Viper on a tree in my favorite spot and put out a camera on the tree next to it. The sign was great there. The second spot was not good. I knew the farmer had cleared a part of that patch of woods, but he also took he entire west edge back about 10 yards, so there wasn't a good stand location anywhere. Later on when he picks the corn on the east side it'll be a hot spot. I loaded up and headed to the third spot. Man, I wish I had gone there first. Great sign and reports from the land owner of a bachelor group of four big bucks traveling right there. I didn't need to mark my tree, but I did hang a second camera there. Now I have to wait but I'm excited to see what the cameras tell me Saturday morning. Five days and a wake-up....
Two outta three ain't bad! Good to hear things look pretty promising for you! Can't wait to hear the reports from opening day!
Checked my early season stand's camera today and have an old friend I call Patch showing up consistently. This is the 3rd year he's been showing up here. I think he beds in between the corn and creek and once the corns goes out he disappears. I've never really given him much thought as he's never been that big, but he's at least 4 years old now and didn't really gain any inches.
Yeah, it will be interesting how he looks once the velvet comes off. He's a cool looking buck regardless of inches. I'm hoping he has as much mass as he looks like he will have.
I'm going to see what else is roaming around first. If bigger bucks don't start appearing before Oct 1st, he's definitely getting an arrow.
I second that but everything changes once the velvet comes off but he looks to be a shooter Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
I was thinking that too! C'mon guys talk about anything and everything!! What else do you guys do besides hunting? hobbies?
I used to bass fish all the time, but as I've gotten older I found I don't like fighting the crowds on the local lakes. Now the only real bass fishing I do is from February through around April. I can stock a freezer with bass filets using Rat-L-Traps during that three month window.
Then what are you doing on here? I'm four days out from the opener and I can't concentrate on anything else.
I've been trying to keep this old body in some sort of usable state which us old farts know, it ain't easy once the metabolism slows down... I dropped 50-60 lbs from 2 years ago and my elk hunt in CO was my reward. Now it's an effort to keep the weight off. Hiking/jogging and some basic working out a couple hrs a day is my norm. I'm headed back out to CO in a couple weeks to help some guys out, but I don't think I'll be hunting this year out there (see my intro msg) this year...but my plan is to stay in shape and hunt elk in CO again next year. While working out, pushups and shoulder workouts have not been kind and are flaring up some old injuries (C7 and T6 vertebrae fractures from a motorbike wreck and my shoulder). I get in threse down cycles and contemplate visits to the ortho...my plan is to get a diagnostic visit (pretty sure impingement, muscle tightness and an f-ed up rotator cuff)...hopefully a shot to carry me through the year and if surgery is needed, plan for around Christmas/New Years. Fixing the house for sale has become almost a hobby. My wife and I trying to figure out where we want to retire being our motivation as all the kids are now in college or will (hopefully) start graduating beginning the end of this year. I tore out and rebuilt the banisters last week that the builder had assembled with wire finish nails (smh)...and repainted them. More nonglamorous repairs and sprucing up awaits...yippee. A few weeks ago my oldest and I hiked the AT...here are some pics.
That looks like a great time. My wife REALLY wants to hike the AT. If we were actually retired I could see us both doing it. She used to talk about wanting to hike the PCT. I'm glad she lost interest in that. I have no desire to hike through grizzly bear territory. You can refer to my earlier post about being bear phobic.