Does it ever make you guys nervous walking in and out in the dark knowing there are brutes like that in the area?
Yes it does. I have been trying to get a side arm for years. Just have had other purchases needing to happen first....hopefully soon. I couldn't imagine being on the ground next to him Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
That is a nightmare of mine! I know they are in the woods with me where I hunt. I see their tracks, and poo. By CT law, I cannot carry a firearm with me while hunting. Sucks. I made the mistake of watching the movie "Back Country" on netflix a few months ago......My god if you have not seen it yet....makes me very leary going a mile and a half deep in the big woods. I recommend it if you haven't seen it!!
I could only imagine man I would be on edge every time I walk to the stand sucks you can't carry Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
If I had bears like that where I hunt my "side arm" would be the size of my fanny pack, like maybe a Smith & Wesson 500. I'm absolutely phobic when it comes to bears. I used to have nightmares about them even as a kid.
Where you elk hunting? I went last year and it was a blast. I would give up hunting everything back home if I could hunt elk every year in Colorado. I enjoyed it that much Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Generally bears will leave before you have a chance to even see them. I killed a 278 lb bear a few years ago and this one dwarfs it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Colorado north of Craig. 1st season rifle bull only. I'd prefer an archery rut hunt, but I'm taking my dad who has dreamed of hunting elk his entire life. This is my first elk hunt and I'm both excited and nervous. It's completely DIY and I planned the whole trip so we'll see how it goes.
Okay, you just had to do that, didn't you? Just checked and it's on Netflix right now. I might watch it tonight. It's been a while since I had a good nightmare.
It's been another busy day so far. I started by stripping the wraps and fletching off of my five straightest arrows and re-wrapped and re-fletched them. I put new nocks in them also, tipped them with Slick Trick 125 Magnums with brand new blades, made sure they spun perfect and put them in my quiver. Then I put all of my early season clothing in the washer and while it was washing I went out and shot around 30 practice shots (with practice points). Came in and put my old sight back on my old Drenalin that my son-in-law had been using until he got a new bow, dropped it to 60 pounds and raised and re-tied the peep. Then I went out and sighted the top pin in at 25 yards. Now I have a back-up bow again. I put all of my clothing in the dryer, then hooked up my trailer and loaded my quad. I decided to go to Kentucky tomorrow and take a quick look at the three spots I'll be hunting, put out two cameras and go ahead and put my stand on the tree. I'll just need to be sure and unzip the rail padding and take it with me so squirrels don't eat it. Those buggers are notorious for that there. I still have to spray my clothing with permethrin this afternoon and go through my gear and load my pack. Only six more days until it begins. It's getting close.......