Tomorrow is Thursday… Headed out for the evening sit. I’ll update afterwards Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Hell, I’d settle just to see a deer…dropping string would be a bonus Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I was in the stand by 1730 hours My furthest North camera showed a doe at 1934 hours She had 7 minutes to get to me before legal shooting time expired She did…but it was then too dark to make a shot Good news she was 12 yards away & had no idea I was there She left so I climbed down at 1949 hours Another camera to the south showed a coyote coming at 2001 hours Try again on Sunday Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Trk is packed. It just needs to be 5 am tomorrow and a camo driver ( aka Me). (Lots of coffee) 7 mile drive. 15-20 min walk
Good luck guys, Bloody arrows are what we want to see from you in the morning! Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Coffee is brewing. Man I've missed this. Let's go killers!!!!!! Am I crazy? 57 and acting like a school aged kid stilllllll!!!!!
Waiting on day light. A little foggy I think I heard deer walking earlier. To dark to tell. I can make out about 10 yards around me now. I don't remember it being this thick with cover last yr. Hmmmm
Waiting to see if I can get one before the mosquitoes get me. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Good luck to all hunting today I’ll be thinking of of you Please report back…good or bad as I learn from others Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
How did it go today guys? Tomorrow is the day for the rest of us! I’m heading out in the morning to a small spot I have in hopes of putting another doe in the freezer. I may get out tomorrow night to sit on one of my better properties but it’s supposed to be warm so I haven’t made my mind up yet. Starting Thursday we have a big cold front rolling through (highs around 85 to highs in the high 50s overnight) so I’m going to push into a really good but low impact stand on whatever night the wind is the most N-NW to hunt the big 8 I have on camera. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Season opens tomorrow at 6:25am. I will not be out the first two weekends, have promised my brother to bring the Steelers game over every Sunday. Next weekend is my Saturday on the Supervisor rotation at work. Going to pick up a set of tags and habitat stamp early next week. I'll be taking my rutcation Nov. 3rd through the 12th, if luck isn't on my side then the rut will be. Already have a good idea of where I will hunt if it is mostly on public. Hoping to get a few sits on a couple invites during that time, but no guarantees. Good luck everyone, hope we can all fill the freezer regardless of what we shoot.
Change of plans rather than taking the 3rd to 12th off then the 16th to 19th off, I'm going to take the 5th to the 19th off. My rotational Saturday at work is the 4th, rather than have to switch with someone or get things mucked up I'll just work the 3rd and 4th and then take the 13th-15th as well. I'll be able to hunt the 5th up to and including shotgun season through the 19th. Win-win and get peak rut still with more time.
Yesterday was a good day. In stand at 605. Beechnut we're falling all round me. I'm pretty sure I could hear deer walking near me. Could not see anything thou. I was able to see a little distance at 650. Lil foggy also. Saw 6 does at 853. 65-70 yards slipping thru. They were south of me and heading west. Climbed down at 1030. Went back out @330pm. Didn't see anything. On the edge of a bean field. Finished at 720. No Sunday hunting in PA this Sunday. Pa sucks that way