LC, it’s like we were on a team for 3 years or something…thank you sir! Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Sat my first sit tonight. Had a buck and doe within range, but no shot opportunity. Last light had a big buck make an appearance, no guesses on size as light was fading fast, but definitely would have exceeded 130. I'll be back at this property Thursday and Friday, hopefully thru Sunday but yet to be decided. A lot of deer in the area either way. Keep pushing, we're within reaching distance if we have everyone still out.
Team- Hunted hard for all of the last week. 7 out of 8 days. Just did not get it done. I was plating cat and mouse with some giants. Im in one stand, they are at the other. I am in a stand, they are 50 yards on the other side of cover with the camera going off but, walking the other way. I am in the stand and a doe two days in a row came blazing by, grunting 60 years behind in cover but, buck never came out...killer. I am excited for the last two days I will get to hunt on Saturday and Sunday of next week. It could still happen!!!
The one I was set on getting a shot at for the last 3 years. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Nothing for me tonight. Hard grunting in the thick stuff with 20 legal minutes left. Couldn't get him to show himself.