It’s getting there. I’m going to concentrate on bucks now until late season. I might get out a time or 2 before I leave for Missouri on the 21st but I’m not too sure. I’m off the week of the 23rd for my trip and then I have 5-6 days scattered in that I’ll take off the first couple weeks of November. Good luck Brett! Sent from my iPhone using Forums
I’m up the tree & ready Camera showed a doe around noon Thinking the farmer picking beans to the south made her move…awful early in my opinion…regardless I’m perched and ready Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I was in the stand at 1330 hours First deer was a 2x2 at 1730 hours Second deer was a 2 x 0 at 1740 hours Third deer was another 2x2 at 1815 hours I let all walk…. Saw no doe Climbed down at 1906 hours Camera showed a doe at 1923 hours Try again tomorrow on different property Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Beautiful morning so far. Seen a deer same area where I seen deer in this area. 70 yards away. 38 degrees this morning. I would love to move closer. But I do not have permission to hunt on that property. Only to retrieve a dead Deer. I've asked. Several times. This past Sept was the last attempt. I'm about 28 yards off the property line.
Back out , next to a bean field. 58 degrees now should drop a few. Cams have showed does out here. Sooner or later gotta see some buck movement. I have 2 doe tags for this area. Plus the farmer said kill as many deer as I can he has damp tags.
This is the normal picture from this specific camera….this trail leads to a ladder stand Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
This is the same camera after strong winds this afternoon…apparently I have a camera knocked loose by the limb hosting a squirrel Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
3 deer seen 55 yard doe to far. She was headed my way then for no reason turnaround went the other way. To 100 yards. Doe at 43 yards. Not gonna lie I thought about it. My comfort level is 30 -35 yards. Then the other don't know what it was to dark but it did come from my cam area. This the photo that it took as I was walking out.
Kuddos for not taking a shot outside your comfort zone…most don’t have that mental strength Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Liver hit backing out I bumped her. She is not for long. She didn't move fast. I heard lay back down gonna wait a little