Yeah it's ridiculous , it needs to melt because I wan to find some sheds and have no snow when turkey season gets here Sent from my iPhone
I froze my bones today guys. Put another 6 miles on and found zip, zero, nada!!! Our wheat was planted late and it's clearly not holding deer like last year! It's an 80 acre wheat field we winter cattle on the farm surrounded by another 400 of Kansas creek bottom oaks and native pasture. Usually it's a shed hunting dream. I've got no clue where my bucks are at. Tomorrow I'm walking some fresh ground
Man i feel for you guys! It was 50 here sat, zero snow! Now its freezing and were getting a bad ice storm!
Walked another piece yesterday. Lots of deer sign, no sheds. 8 miles on over the weekend and nothing to show for it. Hopefully my next time out is more productive
Last Saturday was around a 6-7 grueling mile trudge through some nasty strip mine ground and only found a dead nub Buck!
3-10 inches of now tonight I have yet to get out looking for sheds, This winter has been awful for us
2 heads, 2 sheds. I know the heads count for nothing scorewise and I hate to find em that way, but I still bring em home nonetheless. This one came off some public right across the river from the farm I hunt. It's got the nicest color of any I've found shed hunting. It seems like a lot of the Kansas sheds I find are pretty white even when they drop fresh. This one has some nice chocolate to it. This one came off our farm in a bedding area south of my food plot. Nice 4 point side and I think it came off a newer buck that's decided to winter on our place. His G2 is starting to blade a bit, I hope he makes this his permanent home Dead head with a crazy story: so my wife and I are walking this ridge on our grampas farm we come up on the rack and I can immediately tell it's a head and not a shed so I'm kinda bummed and happy at the same time. I get to looking closer and the thing is skull capped, just a pelvis left behind and this skull cap. Nothing else. I'm like wtf who caps a deer and leaves it? So we pack the rack and head about 10 yards down the ridge and something shiney catches my eye under a fallen tree. It's a freakin hack saw with hair and dried blood on it!!!! Now I'm pissed cuz I know that someone's been poaching family land. Well, we head back to the house and describe the previous events to my grandfather and he informs us that one of his hunters who leases off him each year reported some guys poaching deer from the road up on this particular ridge. I'm hoping the poachers were in the act of getting caught and were trying to hide the evidence and just never came back to it. Either way, poachers suck and it's too bad this nice young buck had to go out that way. This head is nothing special. It'd been there a while, one side is completely chewed off. It came off the same public ground as the chocolate 5 side. They were about 100 yards apart.
That really sucks about the poacher! Make sure to keep an eye out over the summer and early fall for people that may be looking for another deer, maybe even to come back to the one you found. Nice job on the couple sheds though. Im so confused by our weather, I thought I could get out soon because it was 67 yesterday which melted a lot of snow but I got up and saw more snow on the ground!
Anyone hunting horns this weekend? I've gotta take the weekend off, we've got 100 calves that need tagged so my free time is occupied.
I have this week of school then spring break starts and I will be heading home. I will be out looking all day Saturday probably. I had a lot of bucks running around so hopefully I can find some. Sent from my iPhone
Mark me up for 4 horns..small but got potential in 5 or so years... Sent from my KFTHWI using Tapatalk HD
Just found out we're only cutting and tagging calfs and not working mommas. That should shorten the day in half, I might be able to take a short stroll tomorrow after the cattle are all happy.
Well guys I'm by no means abandoning my shed hunting pursuits, that being said turkey season is about to get real serious here and my time will be more dedicated to that. I've still got a few good areas to shed hunt this weekend, but after that archery turkey opens and I'll be trying to kill birds while keeping my eyes out for horns
Going to try and get out this eve after work and some on week end. Its almost over for me, got Turkey season coming up and serious Bowfishing soon <<<<Maby tonight