Im here and ready to hop in a blind! Im pretty new to this forum so I thought Id tell you guys a little about myself. I am 17 years old. I live in the northeast part of Nebraska which has a ton of birds. This year I have 3 NE turkey tags and will hopefully be able to chase 2 birds around in SD. I film all of my hunts. I have been doing this for several years now. You can check out some work done by my brother and I here - I am really excited with all the potential this spring has to offer for my hunting buddies and me. Just want to say I am glad to be part of team 8 and Im only 13 days out here in NE
UPbowhunter - glad to have you along. How long you been chasing birds? Metzger, im 19, and i film all my hunts as well, check out my page:
Siman, I have only hunted birds for about 5 years. I hunted my first year with a gun, since then I have hunted with the bow only. I'm still learning about the birds, but have done well hunting them by myself so far. Here is a picture of my first bird, I look at him everyday. He gets kicked out along with a few deer heads each Christmas to make room for decorations. Bad celly pic.
Gonna be fun Boys! I wont be out the first 3 days of our season, but I have all saturdays, and a couple of the first week. I think I got on the farm I wanted on, there are alot of ropes roosting in them trees every night!
Thanks for checking in Gri22, i triend sending Pm's to the other 2 who didnt show before, but they must not have gone through or they didnt check them, Either way, we should have a good team this year.
Just got my new bow last night. Set it up this afternoon and roughly sighted it in out to 40yds. Nine days left here in NE! Cant wait
Hey guys, I finally found ya'll!! lol I live and hunt mostly in southeast Va. I've only been turkey hunting for a few years and killed my first bird in 08 (shotgun)... wasn't able to hunt any last year, due to firefighter 1 and 2 class every saturday through the spring. I'm really looking forward to givin em a try with the bow this year and getting to know you guys!!!
Thanks man! I run with Gloucester Vol. Fire and Rescue... really wish I had more time to spend around the station, I really enjoy it. How bout you?
Ive been on Chatham Township Fire and Rescue for almost 2 years, im a VFF and EMT-B. I love it, were paid-per call and fully volunteer.
That's really cool man, it can definatly become addicting!! Almost as much as hunting.... lol Congrats on getting that EMT-B! That's a pretty big accomplishment as far as I'm concerned!!!
Yea i was pretty nervous going into it, i didn't have any medical training at all. It was a good experience.
We need to come up with a name boys, Also, i finally talked my good buddy into letting me hunt with him on one of his farms this spring. If you remember last year, he's the guy who shot at the turkey 5 times before he killed it on video. Well he has another farm, that he used to keep to himself until now. Hes taken a 21lb and a 24lb bird from it. Also, his brother took a 17lb gobbler there from it last fall, and missed 4, yes thats right, 4 different shots at gobblers last spring. We always referred to this place as the ZOO. Its about 250 acres, 10 of it is mature pines where the birds roost. The sign here is beyond belief, and we stuck a Moultrie i40 and a Cuddeback Capture on it just to see how many birds are using the pines. Ill update you gys with pics in a week or two.
Went out and scouted some this morning. Got up on a high ridge around light. Ended up seeing about 50 birds come out right where we thought they would. Now if Thursday could just get here! This is also our #2 farm. Not the one we will probably hunt on the opener.
I was shed hunting on a piece I deer hunt on this morning and heard birds in the distance, mouth called to them and called in 6 toms, all with ropes! Good fun, nobody can turkey hunt the place so I wasn't screwing the birds up. My first time calling 6 toms in with just my voice calls, good to hear them hammerin!