LUCKY! I would love to be in a stand next week. Do you guys manage your place with age or antler size/point restrictions?
We try to make 4 1/2 and up our goal but it doesn't always happen that way. If I see a 3 1/2 year old thats bigger then anything I have on the wall I will probably shoot it 10 out of 10 times.
Yes but eventually the deer on your wall will be big enough that you will have to let them go so they can grow. My biggest buck is mid 120's. So it would have to be a good 130+ buck to make me want to shoot it right now. Its all about what is a trophy to the hunter and to me 135+ is just fine by me right now. As thing change on our property and our food plots, mineral sites, and habit improvments really get going yes eventually that 135 inch buck might get a pass but for now, no way!
Yap its all in a plan to get the biggest and oldest deer possible and every body has there definition on a shooter Sent from my SCH-I435L using Tapatalk
So how is everything shaping up for you guys? Other then dragging out all my gear and taking inventory of stuff I am ready for the season to get here. Food plots are coming up great and things are shaping up to be a great season.
Everything is shaping up good!! Saturday can't come fast enough. Major cold front is coming through and it'll be a high of 50 degrees. Have a few bucks coming past my stand on a regular basic in the morning around 8am. Knowing deer it'll change the day before the season. Either way I'm pumped to get out into the woods.
So ready my target buck is at my stand every day @ 5:30 pm just has to keep doing it for a nother week Sent from my SCH-I435L using Tapatalk
Hi all, opening day 2moz, will be hunting both am and pm. just pulled my camera and I have 3 8p that I will let walk (at this point in the season) and what looks like a 10p (could only see his right side). Will try and keep live on the stand updated and will report bk here when I get home. good luck to all.