just about got a shot on a dandy tonight. he needed to come about ten more yards, then a pack of dogs came through and chased him off. I couldn't believe it, sat there in utter disbelief.
So far my weekend has been disappointing. I will give more detail tomorrow or Tuesday when I get back in town
Ok guys on my way for to full days of hunting, I will update at the end of each day but hopefully I won't need the 2nd day
Playing a game of chests snd just he is one step a head he was chasing a doe on the other side of the feild Sent from my SCH-I435L using Tapatalk
That other side of the field could turn in to your side quickly if that doe turns! Wish I was out hunting
Well I've had 5 days in the woods and I'm still empty handed. Going out this friday and saturday, hopefully I can put something on the ground!
So no deer down on day 1. I had a spike at 7am at 20yds, 3 otters at noon at 20yds, a button buck at 1:30 at 40yds and 2 does at 4 at 40yds. Not the deer I wanted but it's activity. So it's going to rain all night then be overcast all day with hi of about 55 so I'll let you guys know 2moz what happens.
Well I am back from my four day weekend hunt. For the past 3 years my cousin and I have been taking a 3-4 day weekend at the end of Oct. and going hunting together. The previous years we would head down to our shotgun spot in IL and bow hunt it. This year I invited him down to my place in Indiana to hunt. Overall my hunt went well I saw several deer each day just no shooter bucks. But that being said I did see several young bucks and things are looking good in my area. As far as rut activity one of the guys I hunt with did see a few good bucks chasing one hot doe but other then that it appears it is still a week or so away because only the spike were running does for the most part. Now for my cousins hunt. Going into it I told him that as long as its bigger then any of his previous bow bucks (100") he was welcome to shoot it. On Friday night he passed up a 115" eight point and a few does because of the windy conditions. Saturday was pretty uneventful until about 6pm that night I get a text that he shot a buck and it happened so fast that he didn't know how big he just knew it was a good buck for him but the shot was a bit back. After I met up with him we found his arrow and decided it was a liver shot. Since it had been over an hour since the shot we decided to start a search for his deer. After searching for blood for about an hour and not finding any we decided to back out and start again in the morning when we had light. It was a pretty long night for both of us not only was this his biggest bow buck but this is the first time I had ever scouted and hung stands with the intent of putting somebody else on a deer so to me this was a big deal because he used to take me fishing all the time when I was younger and there was no better way to pay back that kindness then with a nice deer. So after we started the search for his buck it didn't take to long and we found him...at least what was left of him. The yotes had found the deer before we did and unfortunatly there was nothing left of the meat and we were both heart broken to say the least. I am happy to report that he was able to take a doe Monday morning so at least he is leaving with some meat and a good 9pt rack.
I arrowed a big mature doe Sunday night with no luck on the recovery which is not an outcome I expected after the shot which I felt good about. I am still kind of baffled. It was a slow weekend with not much daytime movement and only saw a few deer and no bucks. Until Sunday night just before last light a few doe came in. Since the weekend was almost over and I wouldn't be hunting for another week I figured it would be a good opportunity to take a doe and put some meat in the freezer. The biggest and last of the group of 3 offered me the best shot as they moved through under my stand. She was grazing and at about 10 yards perfectly broadside I took the shot and watched my arrow go into her right where I was aimed behind the should lower 1/3 with a clean pass through. The shot felt good. One of the does actually came back to my tree after all running off to look around which made me think the one I shot did not make it far. After some time, I got down and checked my arrow. It was blood covered from at about the half way point to the fletchings. Nothing on the broadhead but white hair and only white hair on the ground. I figured this was from the exit would hitting lower on the deer with the shot angle. But much to my surprise I could only find a little blood spatter on the ground by the arrow. I could not find any blood trail in the direction she ran (she was out of site in some trees and brush after about only 20 yards). So I backed out and came back the next morning. Did a long search and found not a drop of blood and no deer. It was the most confused I have ever been after a shot. Have any of you ever experienced anything like this? Thinking back all I could think of was with the shot angle of the somewhat close shot my arrow went through just barely too low and I missed vitals. I would think even if I got the bottom of 1 lung on a pass through there would of been blood with a 2" Rage. I have never had a problem like this when I put the arrow anywhere close to where I am aiming and I saw the entrance clear as day on this shot. Any insight on this would be much appreciated and ideas what to possibly take away from the experience. All I can think of as of now is to give extra thought to the shot angle on a close 10 yard or so shot before letting the arrow fly as it may be deceiving from the tree. It was extremely disappointing.
With the angle of the shot it may have went in where you saw it but it could have been at more of a steep angle and missed the vitals. Or you went lower then you thought and the arrow hit rib and deflected downward. any number of things could have happened.
I leave tonight to head back down to Indiana for a week to see if I can get it done. Good luck to the rest of you. The way the season is going for us I hope we can atleast get a couple bucks on the ground.
In the stand now. I was walking in early this morning and walked up on a big buck. He snorted at me and was stomping his feet. It was too early to shoot, but its good to know he is still around