Equipment wise, looking good.... I've made the switch over to BH's with my hunting setups.... Things are looking and shooting great! Just a matter of time now. Sure wish I could have made it out antelope hunting this last weekend (was the opener), just don't think I'm going to be able to fit much else in before I leave for NM in a couple of weeks....
Sorry guys been busy of late. Been running the cameras on a couple of properties and I've got some pretty decent NC bucks in the areas. I've only seen a few that will make P & Y, but there's a chance. If previous years are any indication, I'd say I'll contribute with a 110-120" buck and a doe. I'll try to kill at least 5 or 6 does this year to fill the freezer.
Hey guy's not much new here. I have the trail cams out, got a couple of good pictures but we'll see what happens. The place I have to hunt by my house has a ton of corn around it which makes it hard early season but great later in. My archery shop guy called today and said he found a buyer for my bow and my new Reison would be ready in a couple of days. I told him Ididn't know my bow was forsale, he told me for 150 I could have the new bow all set up. Good deal I think. He is the one taking me hunting in his secret honey hole this year. He get's a buck over 150 every year for the last 20 years out of there. As long as I don't wiff I think I'll be alright. Jason does your phone have texting yet? If not get it before you head to NM text me with the results. I'll be in CO about the same time doing the same thing.
Hey Team. Im the new guy. My name is Greg. I'll be hunting Mich and if I get the time Ohio. Im ready to go. Season starts Oct 1st here.The Chumps need taken down and WE ARE THE TEAM THATS GOING TO DO IT. I've been working on possative thoughts lately. Hope it works
Good to have you around Greg.:D Are we doing the captain and name thing? I think The Dark Horses would be a good name.:D Just kidding Master of the Mullet's or anything anybody else can come up with I suck at this. Monster Inc. Who ever for captain
THANKS!!! Im not good at the name thing either. Wid-doe Makers - a lame play on words Horse Hunters - they would love that I told you I was bad at this LOL!!!!
Welcome to the team Gplant. werent you on the team with me and finch last year? I was Indianhunter until Justin change my name to what is now.
I agree Dan, something about "horse hunters" just doesn't sound right :-) Made it out last night to do some more shooting.... Man sometimes you just want to scream.... Was shooting awesome groups with BH's out to 50-55 yards last week. Last night it felt like I was spraying all over the place at those longer disntances..... Or at least not as good as I was last week...
THANKS! Yes I was. I got way to picky last year. I was hunting one buck that I wanted BAD and ate tag soup. Not this year! If its got 100+in this year its going down! Got a couple descent bucks running around. I havent seen that big boy yet. To tell the truth I hope the only time I see him is with bow in hand. I sent you a friends request at Camospace.
Your right that doesnt sound good. We all have our off days shooting. Dont think about it to much and give it another try.
Going out scouting tonight. I hunted this place 15 years ago and was productive but I just want to see what is going on out there. I shed hunted it this spring and found a small skull and no sheds.I wasn't that inpressed with the sign but the place has everything you want for good deer. My other spot I'm going to stay out of until I get back from CO the acorns should all be down by then. I got a nice trailcam pic of a buck out there last week and the guy I hunt with said it was smaller than the one he saw last year. So we have at least 2 nice bucks running around out there. I think we have a chance to win this thing.It looks like we are all dedicated hunters let's get this thing done.
How did it go last night Dan? See anything interesting? I got to check out the back half of the property. Just waiting on the right wind to get back there.To view this area I need a east wind. I got beans back there.
Nothing to great.All the sign I saw was in the same places it was 15 years ago.I don't think I'll spend my time out there. I haven't seen a deer in a bean field in 3 weeks around here. They seem to stop hitting the beans in August and don't come back until they go brown. I've seen more deer in the hay fields lately than anywhere else.
So is anybody else got any bucks tied up? I havent even been out in the woods once this year!! i know that isnt what you want to hear, but I got tired of messing with the 35mm cameras so I am going back with the element of surprise and hoping ill be able to get on a nice one throughout the year!!!
All I've done is Glass and they are there. Nothing great but that should change when they get on the move.
This is the last weekend of Summer for me by next weekendend I'm in hunting mode. As for a name how about The Bone Brigade
Dan, You actually hunting deer or something else? Bone Brigade sounds OK to me. Unless we wanted to go with a humorous name... Could do something like "Bone Heads" :-)
Same here Dan, I get wound up when Sept hits knowing Oct 1st is just around the corner. Both names sound good. Bonehead fits Me REAL GOOD:D We need a Captain as well - Dan got the ball bouncing so I nominate Dan. So lets get this done 1.Name 2.Captain 3.Avatar