Have a good time Jim, and Congrats. Well guys I struck out on my trip to SW Oklahoma this weekend. I spent most of the time trying to get my brother in law his first bird but he had a little trouble keeping still when they got close LOL. Hopefully I can score again this week here at home.
Good luck on the marriage Jim. Have fun on the honeymoon. I hunted with my father in law on Saturday. We heard a couple birds but they shut up as quickly as they gobbled. It wouldn't have done the team any good anyway. Took the shotgun since I was hunting with him on his land. Maybe I'll have better luck this weekend with the bow. Its bow from here on out.
Thanks Zach. I used to work a swing shift schedule but I'm training for my new position (promotion) and have to work M-F. I hate it. Really cuts in on my hunting time. Aaron, good luck man!
No luck this morning. Only one gobbled all morning. Uggg Back at it again tomorrow. I might have to take the shotgun to cover more ground though.
NOOOOOO NOT THE DREADED SHOTTY, J/K Take what you like. All I can say that one gobble is more than I have heard since opening day here at the ranch. Saving up my patience for Sunday got an all day hunt at a place I deer hunted but havent turkey hunted yet, pretty pumped about that one.
Looking at the map here and going to try a different location. It looks that I can drive through the area so I can stop the car and try and locate a gobbler. If that is the case It will be Bowtech time. Well hopefully!
Well, I got on one this morning, but... on stalk, not from my blind, I succesfully cut him off on the ridge he was headed, and we ended up in the woods 18yrds from each other, No Shot, then he pegged me and was gone...
More luck than me. I had some gobbling hard from the roost then I heard a real loud hen. I knew when I heard her my chances were not good. No luck and tommorrow is my last day to make it happen.
Well boys, me and Okbowhunter found a gobbler on the roost this evening. We are gonna be going out in the AM after him. Wish us luck.
I tried to roost some birds tonight but didn't hear a thing. I know they are in there though. I'm really looking forward to tomorrow. First, I'll be turkey hunting and then my buddy and I will be bowfishing. Should be a good day. Wish me luck!
We could just barely hear him, but did a little glassing and got him found in the tree tops. Hopefully he has a buddy w/ him and we can pull off a double.
Well boys, we got one. Me and Okbowhunter went out this morning and called up a tom and 5 hens. The hens came right up to the dekes but the tom circled us and we couldnt get a shot off. We came back later and Will put the smack down on this huge bird. He came strolling right up to the dekes, it was an absolutely perfect hunt. A monster bird, he is real close to 70 NWTF. 9 inch beard spurs were 1.5 in. and 1.25 in. and he had broke the shorter one off. Awesome hunt.
Well, fellas I am off on a late start but going to chase some turkeys in a spot I have yet to hunt this year. Hope to catch some good action this late morning, afternoon, I will report in when I get back.