Well boys, I just watched about 5 toms tree up this evening. Season opens on Monday morning so the wife and I are skipping class and gonna try like heck to get a couple of these birds. Wish her luck.
Good luck to the wife. I saw one huge Tom tonight. He just wasn't were I am hunting. Season starts here the 15th which I drew for the first season so I have 5 days to make it happen. Did we decide on a name???
Well boys, I scored us a bird this morning. I will have to do some calculating real quck and get the score. Ok bird scored 27. But I just reread the rules and in multiple bird states you get to enter your largest bird. I have 2 more tags to go, so hopefully I can score us one higher.
Hey Zach go ahead and put your bird on the check in thread, then if you get a bigger one I will update it.
Awesome Zach, We're coming out swinging!! Congrats. Names.... I have nohting, but I'll go for anything..
Congrats on the bird Zach! Way to get us on the board!!! I think Jim's name is very fitting. "Last come, First served" sounds great to me. Everyone else like it? My season starts this Saturday. Going out with the father-in-law. Hopefully I'll see some action.
Heck yea I am all about that team name. I am hunting birds on fri. morn and then all weekend on a different ranch in SW oklahoma. Hoping to score us a big one before it is all said and done.
Zach Did you ever post a story about your kill? I haven't seen it anywhere. I'd love to hear about it.
Yea I put it in a thread I started the day before season but here you go. FORGET THE WIND JUST HUNT- thats my new slogan after today!!!!!!!!! Well despite the windy conditions here, somehow I got it done on opening day. After the morning hunt w/ my wife she went back to bed. I went back to the woods to see what I could scare up. I had a gobble and went to work on him. I got alot of response from him but couldnt get him to commit. I went home and ate some lunch took a little nap. At about noon I went back out for one last hoorah for opening day. I went to the edge of a creek and gave a soft call. BAM he was right in my lap. I quickly set up my little hen decoy and set down in some brush on the side of a hill. GOBBLE GOBBLE, there he was right behind me. The adrenaline was starting to flow by now. I gave a few soft clucks and purred to him a little. When I first saw him he was walking down the hill about 10 yrds to the side of me. Thank God for the brush I was in. As soon as he saw the decoy he was struttin and drummin like crazy right there beside me. My heart was coming out of my dang chest now and I was beginning the shakes real bad. It was at this point that I realized he was just a jake but you know, I never thought twice about it. I had my decoy ranged at 30 yrds and when he went behind a cedar I set up and drew my bow. Now he was giving my decoy a love song and strutting up bigtime. The next time he stopped I sent my arrow on its way. Heard the smack and watched him trot about 10 yrds and died right there. I had a blast, regardless of wether he is a jake or not I got him runnin and gunning w/ my bow. No blind just natural brush and the show he put on was great. Here are some pics for yall to enjoy. Oh yea and if the deke looks a little wierd its because its a foam jake I got on sale for 5 bucks. Painted the head and popped the beard back into the body. It looks good enough for me and the turkeys I guess.
He was quartering away slightly so I zipped it right above his drumstick and it smoked the vitals and exited in front of the other drumstick about 5 in. It put him down way fast, I was a bit surprised myself.
Nice job Zach I love the colors of your turkeys. One day I will hopefully get a chance to chase one with colors like that. Congrats bud!
Thank you sir, I really think that these Rios are way pretty, but you know I am really itching to go hunt a merriam. They have a few in the far west part of the oklahoma panhandle and I am thinking of trying to line something up to go hunt one of em. The white in their fan is pretty cool.
Well guys I haven't gotten the chance to go hunting yet cause I got married yesterday! Anyway, we are in the airport waiting to board or plane to go to the bahamas. Wish us a safe trip and good luck hunting this week