came up to Oklahoma this week to do some looking around and had some spare time this afternoon. All I was able to find was this deadhead. First deadhead I have ever found though!
I promise to do my best to start pulling my weight around here! This Saturday the plan is to walk all day in a 10,000+ acre state park. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I went in my area for about an 30 minutes tonight after work... didn't find any sheds but saw 8 deer. At least I am in an area that has a good amount of deer. Sad thing is, I wont be able to search this place in Oklahoma for a while. I go back to tx tomorrow and I plan on searching my lease in east texas Saturday so hopefully I can give a good update!
Picked up 3 more today, all on wheat. Seems to be the trend so far this year, which I'll take there is plenty of it I can walk! Had a buddy with me that had "glassed" all this wheat days earlier. Goes to show you can't just scan it you gotta get out in it.
Nice! I'm walking some really promising ground tomorrow! Fingers crossed. So this contest is scored ONLY on number of sheds found, not score? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
That is correct. It doesn't matter if its a spike as long as it has any part of the bur on it to show that it was shed. So a 4 inch spike or 76 inches of antler both only count as 1 point for each. Good luck tomorrow. Hopefully I can get back out in a week or so.
Thanks for clearing that up! So far that hasn't worked in my favor cause I've walked 4+ hours without a single shed! But I'm just getting started. Tons of public ground on my list to hit this year. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Heading out for a looong (6+mile) walk through a stretch of creek my buddy got us permission on. Too windy to work!
Nice! I put in 3.5 mi this weekend and about 1 on Tuesday night... Nothing's paying off yet Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I was supposed to go this past weekend but I ended up catching a cold and was down for the count. I hope to be back at the lease this coming up weekend to check my cameras and refill my protein feeders. Hopefully I can find some sheds. A lot of counties around my lease are reporting dropping their antlers now, so hopefully some good news coming!
That sucks Keith, I got the flu bug on Sunday and just now back to feeling normal. Long hard day here and I only picked up 1. Deer just weren't there, usually good for a bunch. Our deer #s are down more than I thought. Buddy also found 1 nice one.
I don't own any, just have a few family & friends places that I can bowhunt. For shed hunting most of my permission comes from farmers through work. Also my dad knows quite a few people that let us shed hunt. I wish getting permission to bowhunt was as easy as it is for sheds!
I just sent out my first set of letters 2 wks ago looking for hunting property. So far no luck which really sucks. There was one property I really wanted to get on because Ive seen a melanistic turkey hen from the road about a month ago. Rodeo is over here so Im done with that and got a week in Missouri in April for snaggin and morel hunting. Try to get some time in looking around here and hoping to luck out and come across some in Missouri. I hope you get to feeling better Kieth. And Cory you had one or two sheds to add. Also any more input on the name from anyone else or we just gonna go with Slightly L8 Keep up the good work guys.