I'd be in there if your sure nothing was spooked from you/ your scent for sure! Keep us posted Sent from my SM-G930P using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
First day of the front is usually best. If the wind is in your favor for your stand, I say hunt it tomorrow.
Yea, just got in. Terrible night. Wind swirling , had 3 blow at me at different times. Should have got down and left or moved. Had one doe come in.
Ah that's a tough night. But at least there were deer in the area, thats always a good sign. Today was cool and misty here it would have been a great evening in a tree... can't wait for October. One of my spots i can start now (doe only) but I'm still waiting on permission this year, hopefully it goes through this week Sent from my SM-G930P using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
Yea, just got to get back I there ha. No biggie. Got to hunt, then came back home to hang with the fam. All good.
It's looking like I may not get to hunt much in October. Probably one 1 day a week. I normally get some after work hunts in during the early season but it's not looking like many of those will be doable. I'm trying to become a police officer and I will have at least 3 days of physical testing. Once I pass those (which I will) I'll then have interviews to go do. If everything goes as planned I'll have a few more tests/interviews to attend. I have applied to 4 different departments within an hour of where I live. 1 is already in the process just waiting for my interview confirmation. 2 others including my hometown will be testing in the first 2 weeks of October. I'm gonna be busy! Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
Don't let it be a dream. Reality is your either an a-hole or hero. I where a badge and its not easy a lot of the time. The general public is more demanding now then ever. Good luck with your pursuit.
I get that completely. This decision has been a tough one to make considering what the trend is right now. I guess I said it's my dream because at 27 years of age I finally figured out what I want to be when I grow up lol. I want to try and make a difference even though I know how many people will look at me from the get go. Thank you for your service! Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
Hey guys, camo75 has been assigned to your team as a replacement. I sent him a quick PM to let him know to check-in.
Hello Team, camo75 checking in. Thanks for having me on the team. Wanted to make sure you all knew I'm in and As soon as I catch up here at home and sit down I will tell you about myself. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk