Sooooooo.... are we getting a replacement for him also. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Wiscobowhunter checking in. sorry guys been swamped at work and haven't been able to get in here much but that will all change in the next week or so! Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Little info about me. I hunt 5 main pieces of property. The first is a 480 acre farm in Watertown Wi another is the favorite is a 650 acre piece near blair Wi and a 395 acre chunk near taylor both out in bluff country chasing them big ridge runners. Also have an 80 acre chunk to hunt in dodge county and a 43 acre chunk to huntin waukesha co. Really pumped to have all this property to my disposal! All the food plots are coming in real good all the trail cameras have been soaking sense mid july so the pics should be racking up. Also gonna be my 3rd season of hard core filming. Going to hang the last couple stands hopefully this weekend! Been so busy haven't even been able to check cams. Barely had time to get food plots in but everything should slow down here till harvest comes around then it's work & hunting. Who needs sleep?
i'm good with your picks for name and captain. Got the rest of our food plots planted last 2 weeks with Honey hole an clover, its starting to come in good. Not getting many pictures but that's normal till crops come out. still have to put up 9 stands, 2 redneck blinds, an 3 tripods. so much work to do, no time.
Everyone is checked in besides the one who is on the winning team. Let's go ahead and submit our name and captain and ask for a replacement Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
I spread winter wheat and turnips over my soybeans today. My soybeans are being devoured. I've never seen anything like it before. If my Roundup from Saturday works everything should be perfect come season opener Sept 16th. I had planted some turnips a month ago that look great. Time will tell I guess. What I have coming to this area is really special but some will disperse as velvet sheds. The excitement will come when I see what I continue to get pictures of after Sept 10th or so.
Right with ya, my soybeans never got time to really hit their peak, which I figured with a small plot is wjere I put them. I sprayed round up Saturday also. I have racked my brain all day on what to plant. I have looked at everything from Whitetail Institute to eagle seed, to local AG. Then debating so I want winter greens, turnips, winter peas, clover, etc. Ha , so much thought for such a small plot but I need the sugar shack to be filled up wjen the time is ready. I guess I'll decide something shortly,ha.
Sorry, guys. I've been MIA for a while. This contest start always coincides with school starting back up, so I've been busy. I changed the team name thread, let Fitz know about our replacement needs, and came up with an idea for an avatar. Let me know what you think.
We've been getting some much needed rain finally and the plots are starting to take off! Spraying them with fertilizer tonight. Hopefully the rain will continue. Also we are still needing to get some winter wheat planted in the next week or 2. Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
We have all but one plot in, but we're getting steady rain all summer including this month. I'm hoping to get Oats/Wheat in to my small woods plot this weekend, move a stand, and I should be out of the woods until our opener.
Awesome! I'll take pictures tonight to post. We plan on also putting out a bunch if cams tonight. Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
Love the logo. Good to hear on the plots , going to try to finish mine this weekend. Went with antler king honey hole with a moxture of some other late season tastes. Saw the antler king jolt wasn't for sure if was worth it. Anyone used it?