Hey team 8 where is everyone at? Asleep in your stands. It's about to get good. Hope you all are getting some hunts in. Good luck! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I'm here! Been a crazy last month. Between police testings, selling my house, work, family and trying to get to the stand a couple times a week and I haven't had a lot of time on here lol. Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
What state are you in dbl lung? Bet you want his grandpa to walk by? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yeah I can relate to the busy stuff. Good to hear from you! Looking forward to this weekend. It will be nice and frosty here in Indiana. Are you a police officer then? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
They are calling for snow and a low of 24 tomorrow night! I'll be in stand hopefully for an all day sit on Saturday. I am not a police officer, but I am trying to become one! I tested for 2 different departments this month. One in my hometown and one about 30 minutes south. Passed the physical and written portions, then I interviewed for both the same day. I ranked 3rd for my local PD and they are hiring 2 so I just missed out but am on the certified list for a year. I just need 1 position to open and I have an incredible chance at it. Still waiting to hear back from the 2nd pd. Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
Well I hope the position comes soon for you. We support our officers here at home strongly. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Thank you! They are the true heroes in this world and I only hope to be able to serve my community. Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
Sorry fellas. Life’s been crazy and isn’t letting up this year. Just took a promotion this year. We aren’t fully staffed yet and I’m having to cover a lot of shifts. I’ve had my truck tore apart for almost 2 months and every chance I get I’m working on it. Hopefully will get to hunt soon ,I haven’t sat in the woods once this year, but I might have to go out of town for work for a week or two. I need tree therapy. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
I've, too, been absent due to the craziness that is life and work. Haven't hunted much this season, but managed to put a buck down yesterday. I made the shot at 7:45AM as he came in pushing does. As I reached for my bow, a doe picked the movement off and started coming at me full head bob and stomping. Luckily, she quickly turned and exited leaving the buck and two other does. He chased on more down off the ridge and stopped at 33yds to make a scrape. I drew back and in doing so, I startled the yearling that was 5yds from the base of my tree. That in turn put him on alert and he was staring right at me. I squeezed off the shot, and it looked low. He mule kicked and tore off. All was silent. I decided to sit for a while because I had time, and ended up watching some more deer for a while. It 10:20 when I got down, went to check my arrow and found nothing but fat and grease. One speck of blood on the around and white hair everywhere. I figured it was a brisket hit and he would live to see another day. Still, I decided to start looking for blood, and luckily I didn't start into the woods full bore because I spotted him lying down on a bench over the ridge. Tail flicking and still alive (at least I thought it was him as I couldn't make out the head through the thick undergrowth). I decided to play it safe and back out. I came back at 2:30, and snuck back to where my arrow was and the deer wasn't there in the bed. I decided to head for that spot and sure enough there was a bed with blood in (dried). You could see where he struggled getting up. There was no blood from that point, either, so I just kept circling outward. I decided to head back the opposite direction I thought he might go and as I was sneaking, I looked up and spotted him bedded about 40yds from the first spot. He was just looking at me (he was also downwind) and not trying to get up or move. I didn't have a shot, and I was worried about pushing him if I tried to re position myself, so I backed out again. I went back again at 8:00, and we found him dead where I last saw him. Long story short, I hit back, but inline with the heart. He bled out internally along with the guts being hit. I felt awful, but glad I did the right thing (after running options by some local buddies of mine). He's not huge, but I'm happy with him. I will get him scored soon.
Nice recovery MGH! And great buck as well...Congrats. Sitting in stand now, cold wind in face and eyes watering. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Textbook recovery decisions, glad it worked out for you and that is an awesome looking buck to me, congrats!
My #1 dead by car last evening! I have seen a lot of bucks this first 3 days of vacation. Ill attach some more phone pictures from the stand soon.
I won't think any less of you if you put your bow tag on it and submit for team points. Lol... Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
Oh man that's a freaking bummer. Hate to see that. He was probably chasing, time to get in the woods! Sent from my SM-G930P using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
I've seen a lot of dead bucks on the side of the road over the last few days. Ruts starting here. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk