I tried last night. 3 minutes into the hunt a fork buck strolled by & then returned 35 minutes later…passed my stand at 7 yards. Nothing else afterwards Trying again Thursday before rifle season opens Saturday Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Going back out tonight. According to the cameras the deer have been moving around 1600 hours but the large bucks move 20 minutes after legal shooting time but eventually that schedule will change Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Nothing but a bunny but I sat on top of the hill on the way back to the truck & watched the deer pop out of the woods & walk in front of the tree I had just left 20 minutes earlier The deer need to readjust their watches Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
If anyone cares or wants to watch… here is the video of my deer harvest. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
My youngest son got his first deer Friday morning for the gun opener. 8 point at that! Friday evening my daughter got her first shot opportunity on a spike. Ended up being a low brisket hit I believe. Looked like muscle blood and blood trail dried up pretty quick. We will try again next weekend
In the stand again…having to wear orange as rifle season is in full swing I have one arm hugging the tree as it’s whipping pretty good with the winds….forecast is for the winds to die down substantially after 1630 hours According to the camera, a doe was here 3 minutes before I arrived. Let’s hope her boyfriend comes looking for her Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Had a 2x2 trashing a tree less than 12yards to my right. A doe came in from the north but veered off into the trees prior to walking into my “lane” Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Congrats PA , that is a stud of a buck! I have not given up yet, but I have lowered my standards a little. I'm hunting any mature old bucks now, regardless of score. I have several old bucks running around, 120-140ish. Just trying to get on one and wind has not been cooperative.
I too am still in a tree stand weekly Yesterday the deer were there 30 minutes before I was & I was there at 1455 hours Can’t get a break Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Glad to see you guys are still getting after it. I haven't hunted since Nov 23 rd. Going to try and get my daughter out this Saturday if the rain holds off.