What's up teammates. My name is Mark and I'm from NW Mo. We have tons of turkeys up here so getting on them isn't too difficult. I believe I've tagged out 7 years in a row which is probably less about my hunting prowess as it is more about our huge turkey population. Can't wait to meet everybody.
Hello team. My name is Garrett and I am from Oklahoma. I have some awesome places in Northwest Oklahoma to turkey hunt and a few places around here in the central part of the state. My only challenge will be the bow, I shot one with it in the Fall but I have never chased spring gobblers with it. Hopefully I can get some points up for us.
Hey guys, my name is Cole. I live in NE Kansas, and we have tons of turkeys in my part. I tagged out really early last season with a shotgun, but never tried with a bow. This year me and my friend are going to try tagging out with only bows, which we should be able to do. Good luck to everyone!
Hey guys...my name is Donnie and I live in SW Virginia. We have plenty of birds running around here as well. Hoping to connect on my first bow gobbler.
Hey guys, I went out to shed hunt today and found where the birds were strutting on my place down here by home. My and my brother watched six toms strut around about twenty hens. It was pretty cool to just sit there and watch them, but anyways it looks like it will be a good year!
Hi there hunlee hear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Hunlee was juss infourmed bout being on teem 7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Life is good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Now hunlee need to get reedy for killing thunder chickin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Hunlee sends many cheerful greetings an good fourtun to all on teem 7 :D :D :D hunlee
Good news for team 7! I was out setting a tower type deer stand (wooden playhouse thing), and I counted 14 toms in the middle of the field I plan on hunting. There was probably around 40 some hens too. Things are starting to heat up around my neck of the woods!
Cole, so you think your Wildcats are going to get through to the next round? My Tigers got farther than expected this year and hopefully they'll have a better year next year. Good luck on them Toms. When does the season start over there in KS?
I hope they do, everyone on campus thinks they will. Either way, its a lot better than we have done for quite a while now! Bow only season starts April 1 and ends the 13th, with shotgun starting on the 14th. Me and the ol man set up a blind on the edge of the alfalfa field where all the turkeys were (same turkeys were out, even in the heavy drizzle we experienced all day). Whens your season start?
Sorry about your Wildcats. I have never had any problem with K-State fans...Kansas fans that is a whole other can of worms. Our season starts April 19th. Not too far away. I'm hoping the birds are on our property. Our farm is 70 miles away and I don't get up there that much especially to scout for turkeys. Our pasture is growing up with NWSG and alot of their strutting zone is gone. Hopefully I'll intercept a few. This is my fiancee's first year hunting anything so I'm excited for her.
Yeah, no one around here is a big fan of the KU fans. Oh well... Im sure you will drop some birds this year, same with everyone else on the team! I have to dig out the video camera again this season, last year we made a video that came out pretty good for two high school seniors haha.
Well guys it's getting close to opening day for me. Ten more days and my fiancee' and I will be out trying to get two toms. This is going to be her very first hunting trip so it should be interesting. I hope she connects. She'll be toting the 12 gauge and I'll be toting the Bowtech.
I'm pleased to inform everyone that team 7 is on the boards! I got one this morning, the first morning I have gotten out. Had a group of them gobbling at me for about an hour from 150 yards or so, then they finally crossed the tree line. I managed to get one to break away and get pissed off at my B-Mobile, then I sent a Slick Trick through him. Pics and score will be posted here shortly.
Way to go Cole! Sorry I haven't been on here for a couple of days. What was his measurements? Looks like a dandy!
The beard was only 6" The spurs were 1" and 1 1/8" And he weighed 22 pounds on the dot I'm pretty sure I scored him correctly, but it was my first time scoring a turkey so my bad if its messed up. We have been having pretty good luck lately, I have been a part in killing 3 bow turkeys so far. Me and a buddy have been taking friends out bowhunting, and have only been on 1 unsuccessful hunt as of now.
Well that sounds like you're on the birds. Way to go. Make sure you check in your bird to the scoring thread.
Congrats on the bird, i Hunt. I got one Tuesday morning with the scattergun. Went out with the bow and a couple close encounters but no bird. I have the next two weeks off so I'm hoping to stick one.