I cant wait for the day to end After today Im on Vacation for 30 days straight My Daughters Travel softball did not travel as much this last season, and when they did I was on normal days off and didnt have to use much vacation. SO, I stacked what time I had left combined with normal weekends, and a normal 8 days for a combo package of 30 days off Im going to wear myself out in the woods
Wow 30 days! I get 1 week and I used that in June when I took the family to Florida. 30 days....you lucky bugger.
Well team, I have a big ol buck just tearing up some scrapes. Tuesday I had the day off and after my morning sit, I did a little scouting on the other end of the property and found two scrapes almost as big as a car hood!!! I hung a stand and have just been waiting for the weather and wind to be in my favor to hunt it. On our way home from a freinds house late last night, me and the wife cruised by the property to see if anything was out in the field and sure enough, there he was.... He is a bruiser of a buck!!! He was headed straight to the end of the property where the scrapes and rubs are. He has a very tall rack that carries alot of mass... If any of you guys or gals on my team want to come try and arrow him you are welcome to come hunt with me!!! I got room and board....
Good luck out there Al! I wish I could take you up on your offer Rutt, but I cant. I hope someone here can though.
Made it out this morning. I had a doe working her way towards my stand at 8:00 but then at 40 yards she made the wrong turn (for me). I wanted her to make a right where I figured she would go but went straight instead. No shot. Half hour later I spotted a huge bodied deer about 75 yards out but I never was able to make out weather it was a buck or doe. It was a fast sighting. I threw a couple grunts out there but that did nothing. I met up with my buddy around 10:00 and we did some mild scouting. We came across a decent scrape line. 3 smaller scrapes and 1 large one. Where we think we would be able to cut him off, there is no tree to put my climber in. By the way, he did see the non-typical I have the picture of last night entering the field, so he is still out there in the area.
Ladies n Gents I will not be in here much for the next couple weeks as I will be hunting pretty hard from here on out. I will text those that I have numbers for with some updates and just to say Hi. T
good luck to all of you.... The next few weeks should be good for all of us. Get out there and put some time in the stand.. We got to win this thing!!!!! Good luck guys and gals......
I am gonna put the smack down on a doe tonight if possible. I seen a 140-150 ten 200yds behind the house it the cut corn field last night... The pop-up blind is getting set up out there in t-minus two hours!!! I did find the wifes buck the next morning. She got a liver shot on him and he made it 300+yds and across a river before expireing. It was a ugly 90" 8-point. She was P Oed at herself for shooting it. She thought it was bigger. I told her she did us a favor by taking him out cause he ws 3.5 and wasent gonna amount to anything. She still has a buck stamp to fill so she is looking for some redemption!!!
Congrats to her, its awesome she is into it. I tried to get my wife into it but its not working. She will eat deer meat all day, she is just not into the sitting and waiting especially in the cold.
Good luck AL,,rutt thats a kind offer would love to but cant. I for got to post in the team section, but some seen it and some may not, but I did take a Doe yesterday for the team. Im on a mission for some good horn now. I hung a couple of stands today and seen alot of scrapes and rubs. Tony bro, good luck!! went out this evening and seen squat
I texted this to Peak earlier and figured maybe a few of you might like it. But I have a problem while at work. I tend to daydream of being out on the stand.
Shot a doe this evening ,but alas no recovery. It looked like a good hit maybe a little high. Four of us tracked a very small amount of blood through a cattail swamp. All the blood was high on the reeds, very little on the ground. Probably caught the muscle above the spine (backstrap). Did not recover the arrow, it went with the deer. She must of ducked at the shot. We're all sure she'll live. I however feel like crap! Thanks to JFergus for helping to track. Friday will find me back in Wi for the weekend. Cheers!