Went out last eve. Shot a yote around 4:30 wind shifted at 5:30, got down couldn't find the yote, good blood for 50yds then nothing. Though SOB's. This morning an east wind is usually good. 5 min after getting on stand a buck and a doe come in from the S and downwind of me. It's still 20 min till shooting time. The doe leaves but the buck is hanging around 40 yds away downwind. I keep spraying buck urine (only thing I had) hoping to mask my scent. Eventually he blows and takes off. Never saw the antlers, not sure if it's the same deer from Sat. Oh well one of these days!
Oh, here is the follow up pic to that "squirrel down" text I sent you peak. This little bugger would not leave me alone. He absolutely hated me, would not stop barking and seemed like he was going to jump into the stand with me.
That sucks about that buck Andy. The only buck I have seen from the stand is a small 5 point. But the good times are yet to come.
I went out day before yesterday and got situated in the tree in my climber only to see another hunter walk through , then a coyote offers me a shot at 17.5 yards ( were not allowed to shot coyotes on this property ) then another hunter comes in to 35 yards from me, at this point i am begginning to wonder WHATS NEXT ???? OOPS, I almost forgot...... I also had a Turkey Vulture land on a branch eye level with me in the tree next to me... that was a eye opening experience for the both of us, not sure which one of us was more suprised me or the vulture... when he saw me he made a hasty retreat, of course the firat thing that entered my mind was Can I Shot You???? I didnt ....I think they are federally protected and NO we cant shot them either on the property. At about 5:00pm this doe comes sneaking in and I nail her at 25 yards and she didnt go 40 yards and dropped. Still waiting on that special Buck
awesome pics guys, ill get one up this week. congrats on the Doe Deb well I was working on my sons truck most of my last two days off. so the hunting was on hold. I work wed-fri this week then im off for 30.5 days Its on baby!!
Change of plans for the weekend, probably for the better. I was supposed to go on an anual "boys" hunting trip way up in the nortwoods of WI. We always have a lot of fun. I'd get 2 days hunting there. Well due to a family emergency the trip has been cancelled. So I scramble to find some public land tohunt on In N central Wi,where my BIL lives. Found a nice public parcel, made some calls, got some maps, studied the aerial photo's and will scout early tomorrow am. Never set foot in this place. Wish me luck!