Well I slept in this morning I got up, looked at the radar and about the time it was going to get light, a thunderstorm was going to hit Ill be out this evening looking for a 50 pointer :D and a Turkey...I get that out of the way, then its buck on I have a whole slough of vacation comming up about mid October through the first week of Nov
Well I went out this evening, No Does or turkeys, but a 1.5 eight point came in at 15 yards offering a chip shot, He lives another day, not what im looking for. My son was hunting across the road about 500 yards away and had him at 25 yards to Great first 6 days, 4 different bucks already and a slough of Does!! good luck everyone
Goin out in the back of the house, Ahhhh suburban hunting, road sounds, dogs barking,school children playing,lawnmowers and leafblowers!
Man im trying for another 50 points for the team but just cant seem to get that done I went out this morning, at first light and i mean early, I see what looks like a lone Doe behind me about 30 yards out but im not 100% sure it was a Doe. It eventually walks past at a fast pace, I had shots but they were small windows and i couldnt see her head. I didnt want to chance shooting a BB or small spike so i let it walk. Later the same spike that I have seen three times comes by, and about an hour and a half into the hunt, a beautiful 2.5---8 point comes through. He looked to score roughly 110" (very tempting) he will be a stud next year if he makes it. I cant believe how good the season has been already, must be the cooler weather got them moving. Im going to tag a Doe tonight damit :D
Sounds like a good sit bloodcrick. To bad about the first deer (doe/bb/spike) that you couldnt make out.
Well at least I saw a couple last night , Waaaaaayyyy across the field. This morning I scouted my set up a little and there are good indications a large buck has been cruising through. Large rubs on trees and even a fencepost, tracks right through my set up. I plan On using a deke near the end of the month, and I'll need to do some pruning before then. Next step is to set up a mock scrape, this weekend.
Good luck to all of ya's hunting already! Im still twiddling my thumbs here in NY, season starts next saturday the 17th.....
I finally was able to put my Sony Handy Cam to work this morning and it was pretty cool to catch a nub buck walking through so here it is. Rememer it is work in progress. T http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=77Jzsye7xuk
Nice video! Are you going out in the morning? I plan to be in the tree before sun up for only the second time this season.
Had a small 5 point I could have easily had this morning, thats it. I thought for sure it would be a killer morning with the rain moving out and cooler temps. We'll see what the evening brings.
What a terrible night. I get to a part of the property I never hunted before, but its next to a swamp and I really wanted to see what was there. I thought I had spotted a good tree earlier in the summer to climb. Turns out I could only make it 16' up. I get to the top and get ready to screw in my bow holder...crap I left it at the bottom of the tree. So back down I go. By this time the sweat is dripping off me like crazy. Finally get back up there and get situated. Apparently tonight was the night every squirrel decided to collect its winter food supply. And where they were getting it from was 2 trees away from me. I sat for 2 hours watching about 15 squirrels go back and forth carrying 2 sometimes 3 nuts at a time back to its nest. Finally 1 spotted me and did not like me or want me there. Barked and looked like he wanted to jump into the treestand with me so I put an arrow through him. Then I hear something I hate to hear while hunting. Drunks on 4-wheelers. There was about 8 4-wheelers buzzing around 75 yards behind me. Then they stop, turn them off and start to yell and carry on. All the sudden BOOM, wtf now there shooting. Come to find out, the land owner busted them trespassing and confronted them, the people blew him off so he called the cops. If I would have known he did that, I would have told the cops exactly where they were and where they were going to go.
That really sucks OH. I had a really close encounter tonight. I should have stayed in my stand,but the last three evenings I've seen some deer 300yds away enter the beanfield from a creekbed and walk in the opposite direction (west). I can't go there and set up as it's right behind a school (suburban Chicago). So it was really cold last night and at 4:45pm a deer shows up in the beans and moves away (west). Nothing else happens. 1/2hr before shooting time is over I get down to figure out if a decoy set up by my stand would be visible to the area I saw the deer. As I'm crouching looking west I see a deer coming towards me 100yds away. It disappears behind a berm to my left. I quickly move to the berm and make my way towards the deer ( wind in my face) I hunker down behind a mound of dirt covered with grass and weeds an see a doe about 50yds away. I give her some soft bleats and she moves to the North 40 yds away and has.me pegged. She then glances to her right and is nervous. I peak to my left and see an enormous buck following her (at least 250lbs and 140"10) He moves between me and her an is 20yds away broadside. She is still staring at me, past him he's looking at her. I try to draw kneeling but can't draw my bow until I move too much draw my bow, she takes off he follows her. I don't think he ever saw me. I lay low until I hear a deer blow and see both of them run , flags up. They never smelled me. Don't know what caused her to finally blow. This all transpired not 50yds from where my treestand is. Tomorrow I plan to put up a decoy (Boss Buck) and hopefully draw him in for a fight. I just hope I haven't spooked him into the next county. I don't think he ever knew I was there. Wish I'd stayed in the tree until dark!
Dam, Andy,,,Man you came close, that had to be exciting good story!! Peak, I finally got to watch the nubber vid, very cool
Thank Dan. Hopefully it don't rain to hard today so I can get out this afternoon and also check the game cam I had set out for the weekend. Lets see some of you guys n gals with a pic from a stand for ol Peak. T