well team, I have been seeing some good bucks!!! I have five on the property that will go around 140". I passed up a real ugly 9 point two days ago that was 120-130" . He was pretty wide, but his tines were only as long as your fingers. He might be pretty nice lookin next year. I have came close to having a shot at two different 140 bucks but luck has not been on my side for getting a shot. ten more yards on both occasions would have done it. I have hit the jacpot with this piece of property!!! The first night I saw five, second night seven, third night four, and last night three. All were 120yds and closer. They just pop out in the bean field and start munchin"... Good luck tonight to all who are hunting. Hopfully I will drop a big one tonight!!!!!
I hope you knock one down for us rutt. I dont think I can produce those kind of numbers but I am sure as hell going to try. Good luck!
Ruttnut, just sounds like a matter of time before you connect on a good one. When you start out like that, you know its going to be a good year. Well i was slacker on getting the cams out this year from alot going on around here but im all caught up and ready for the season. I got the cam out last week and got 12 pics of this guy in two different days in daylight hours He is using a water shed that runs through a corn field thats grown up with weeds. He looks to be just a 7 point and i have already decided to give him a free pass if given the opportunity this year. We have some much bigger running around. just not what im after. What you think, strong 2.5 or weak 3.5. Southern Indiana is the location.
Back to Wi hopefully for an evening sit tomorrow and then I have mon and tues am as well,I need to kill a doe first there!
For those of you who are hunting, how is it going? What are you seeing? I need stories! lol Depending on the weather I will finally be able to hunt Saturday. It is supposed to rain, but I hope it is either just before daylight or in the afternoon as I can only hunt that morning.
I finally got my butt out and even though no sightings I enjoyed the hell out of it. First time in a long time I got to relax and just kick back. I took some vid of the area I hunt and I will post it on youtube tomorrow.
Hells yea me too! I would love to tape some of my time in the woods, but my video camera is an old Hi-8 and I dont have the converter thingy-doo-dad to put it on my computer.
Well now something os wrong wit the brakes on my truck. I just cant catch a break this year (pun intended or maybe not I dont even know) If I dont find out what it is and get it fixed by Friday I wont make the opener.
Well after 5 sits in WI I finally have some sightings, and up close too. A buck (small) and a doe and two fawns passed behind me in the thick where I have no shot. Later after hunting hours a lost fawn came out crying! Sad. Well another tweaking of my set-up and a new stand site along this travel route. Hope to have one down oct 2-4
Sorry, cant help you with that one. Was looking at my work schedule. I have 8 days off regular schedule comming up, and lord and behold, my second day off is the first day of the season