Well 1 more day at work until I have 11 days off. I hope I have a deer fall in that time. I have talked to the 1 property owner and there is 3 big bucks running on the property in the pinch point I hunt. A 12 and 15 freak and 8. Hope I see anyone of the three. Wish me luck
Ok Team...I expect someone to put some bone on this thread by Monday Morning! I'll be out Saturday (Morning and Evening, possibly all day depending on AM action) and Sunday Morn. I have 5 days vacation to take and that may either be next week or the week after. (I'd rather wait till the week of the 8th..but that decision may be outta my hands)
Last work day then 9 days of huntin.......good luck all. I'll be checkin in via blackberry. and of course texts!
Good luck! I wish I could take a week or two off from school, it just gets in the way of my huntin time
Good luck in the coming week everyone. I'm heading to Fulton county, IL tomorrow. My buddy and I will be there for 10 days. Hopefully we can get some bone on the ground. I will give ya'll some updates along the way if I can.
I'm Back....... and...... I Got Some Bone For Our Team I gotta tell the story first though. I was bowhunting in Brown County Illinois.... and for the 1st two days the wind was howling so the bottoms was where I hunted. The first morning jim smacked a Doe on his way to pick me up and damaged his new truck enough to need a new quarter panel and head light and damaged the passenger door, ... then....I miss placed my glasses so I hunted blind since I cant tell a spike from a doe at 20 yards without my glasses .... so to say the least we were off to a rough start Thursday morning I shot a buck I figured was in the 140's and quess he was a 10 point ( I didnt study his rack to well since I didnt want to get focused on antlers I just saw him and knew he was a shooter with good mass and real long tines and width was just past his ears )and he was trying to get up on the bench on the ridge above me and I new I wouldnt have any cover to draw my bow back so he was 19 yards behind me quartering to me hard, and I drew, I had been at full draw for what seemed like forever and couldnt let down since he was almost eyelevel with me and looking my way and just standing there forever I placed my 20 yard pin on him and shot but I must have blinked cause I didnt see the arrow hit him. Well he took off and was holding his back leg off the ground and wouldnt put weight on it, the arrow did pass threw him . So 3.5 hours later we went back and got the arrow, and it had meat and fat on the front but good blood soaking on the back, we trailed him to a bed and then 20 yards away he jumped up and took off, so the 3 off us followed with me having a arrow nocked we got 10 yards from him in brush up over my head, he hadnt gone 50 yards and bedded again was 10 yards away and you couldnt see him laying there, then the guys said they thought he was better than 140's they thought 150's, then he didnt go another 50 yards and bedded again and again we wernt 10 yards from him and he took off again but this time we lost the blood... so no recoverery so in hind sight we all would have waited till the next morning to look for him but hindsight is 20 20. The Jim and Jeremy said they will go back in a few days and see if they can find him cause they belive he was fatally wounded since he was bedding so close together and he was all hunched up. Every sit in the stand I watched lots of bucks chasing Doe's around, and watched bucks make rubs, scrapes and work licking branches... so it was on fire in Brown County Illinois. Friday morning I was sitting a stand in a area down in the bottoms called the HELL HOLE.... For good reason, its a NO Shooting Doe's stand, only shooting bucks stand since its in such a bad area to try and get a deer out of. The first deet that morning was a classic Rob buck he had a spike on his left side and a good 4 points on his right side , he walked by at 7 - 8 yards and headed up to the cedar thicket above me. Next a 6 point came by chasin a doe at 20 miles an hour into the cedar thicket, then across the creek 65 yards behind me 3 bucks come chasin does up into the cedar thicket they looked like a 130 inch 8 point, a 140ish 8 point and a 160 inch 9 or 10 point couldnt really tell for sure. they chased 2 does behind me to 12 yards and then the does went back into the cedar thicket, then they headed back across the creek with the bucks after them grunting, then they came chasin back to my side of the creek again. A doe comes down behind me to 13 - 15 yards with the big 160ish buck behind her at 28 yards but he stayed behind a dead cedar with tons of dead braches everywhere and I had no shot at him through all the branches and the doe then went back up into the cedar thicket and he followed her out of sight... damit!!!! So I headed back to the Hell Hole stand that afternoon hoping he would show again, ( I bumped 2 deer on the way in since the dry leaves on the ground made it sound like you were walking on corn flakes even though I was doing my best attempt to sound like a squirril walking in but neither of the deer sounded like they went to far). I had not been in the stand 30 seconds when a small buck chased a doe across the creek 65 yards behind me again ( I would of killed to have a stand in that 65 yard spot !!!!! ) So a while goes by and I rattle with the antlers and get no response after an hour rattle again and nothing, so 40 minutes later I tickle the antlers a little and in comes the same Rob buck from the morning hunt with the spike on one side and the 4 points on the other then he seen a doe fawn in the creek and went chasing after her, then a nice 8 point comes off the cedar ridge in front of me and makes a rub but he was being very slow and very weary and dissappeared at the creek, then I tickled the antlers again lightly with one hand while they were hanging on the hook in the tree, and here comes a 9 point from across the creek at the 65 yard spot again, he looks around and I tickle the antlers again with one hand and he turns and heads towards me, he appeared to be a 8 point and not a huge buck but he looked decent and it was the last night of my hunt there in Brown County, he comes in at 19 yards and I watch him making a scrape at 19 yards from me standing broadside so I draw and settle the 20 yard pin on his vital and while he is scraping I shoot him . The shot was about 2 inches higher than I was aiming but it still looked like high double lung and I knew he was dead. That Buck didnt leave us but maybe 12 small little specks of blood in 400 yards to follow, the arrow didnt blow threw him but I knew my entire arrow was inside him since when he took off I coulnt see any arrow sticking out of him. so roughly 400 yards latter Jim finds all kinds of blood and a Dead 9 Point Buck of mine... God bless him cause we were just zig zag searching that creek bottom thicket searching for more blood, thought we had lost him. So it took 4 people and a four wheeler whose 4 wheel drive had gone out and the headlight didnt work a total of FIVE HOURS to get that buck out of there after swamping the four wheeler in the creek and chris and I had to push it out in water up over our rubber boots while the 2 guys tried to pull on the back end... and DAM that water was COLD... so I shot him at 5:30pm and we got him to the truck at 10:30pm. So now you know why its called the HELL HOLE STAND... He will forever be known to me as my HELL HOLE BUCK I didnt get home till late yesterday since I was ready to come home at 9:00am but a fellow there shot a NICE 12 point buck and needed help to get it out and I was the only one around that could help him.. so I got home late , I will try and get him scored and entered today. Hope you all are having great luck !
Congrats again on the buck! He's definitely a good one! Sounds like the rut was really going there, I wish things would heat up in Kansas!
50 MORE POINTS FOR THE GOOD GUYS AND GAL Scored on a Doe this morning but i have to take my mother to a DR's appt so you'll have to wait for the pics and story SORRY
Does anyone know how to get my pic's from my phone to load them on to the this forum? Having problems downloading pics!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The only way I know of is if it is sent to a smart phone, or taken with a smart phone. Then just email it to yourself and post them that way. No idea on a regular phone though
Me and my daughter with my Doe The day had gone by kinda slow, i have seen a 4/5 pt everyday that i have gone out, and this Doe and her yearling. The 4/5 pt had slipped up the hill about a hour before her and her yearling came down. she was following her yearling towards me, as she was 8 yards and broadside i put my pin on her and squeezed. She kicked a little and ran off stopping approx 23 yards from where i hit her. She stopped and her leggs went week and she dropped right there. Its been 2 years since i killed a deer with my bow. It felt Good to be back in the saddle again. I LOVE the "THWACK". Right after i watched her drop i thanked the Big Guy upstairs, and then i climbed down as i had to take my mother to a DR's Apptment. If you dont know my mother lives with my family and I. I made quick work of her and i was in the truck within an hour with her and heading home and calling anyone and everyone.
MUDSHARK... Congrats On The Doe. Glad your back in the saddle... Have you got that young lady hunting yet???? As for me well I'm Tagged out.Deer #10 Down and my 2nd Buck. This morning I headed out with my last buck tag to an area where I had taken a nice Doe earlier this season. I got the climber on the tree .. made my accent and then readied myself for sunrise. As I sat there longer and longer I began to doubt my location and wondered if I should have gone to a different spot. But I then resigned myself to hunting this spot and see what happens. I was still sitting not really thinking about anything just kind of enjoying the woods and taking it all in when I see a buck working his way towards me parralleling the ridge angling up to me.... I see he looks like a shooter to me.... but... I cant stand up ... I am afraid at the angle he is at he will see me move so I readied myself for the shot sitting down. He steps behind a tree and I come to full draw as he emerges from the other side of the tree I settle my 20 yard pin on his lungs and I swear there must have been someone in the tree above me doing jumping jacks Cause that buck stopped dead in his tracks and looked straight up at me... I am at full draw and he is giving me the stair down and hes not liking what he sees... I am still at full draw and starting to falter... I felt my arm start to creep forward and catch it and pull it back and he is still stairing at me and I started to creep again but catch it and pull it back .. he is still staring at me and I am starting to shake bad cause it feels like I have been holding that 60lbs back forever and the pin leaves hes vitals and I catch it and force the pin back on his vitals. Now he decided he was outta there and takes one step backwards and his body language is telling me he is gonna backup turn and leave and then I'll have no shot so as he turns I have the frontal shot and decide to take it, I was very confident I could make the shot and I took it. The arrow looked like it was close to where I wanted but hard to tell since he took off so fast with the arrow stuck in him and no exit, I watched him run down the ridge and at roughly 90 to 100 yards I see him stumble and sway then I see him tip over the other way... I can only see little bits of him through all the trees but I hear a crash and thrashing... I hear a very load roar followed by 4 of the loudest grunts I have ever heard and then it fell dead silent.... I didnt hear him running away anymore and I was pretty confident he was down but I couldnt see him... So I stayed in the tree for about maybe a total of 40 minutes and couldnt stand it any more I had to go and see what was where I heard the grunts. And he was laying right there dead We knew the front part of the broken off arrow was stll in him and low and behold it was still stuck in his heart ... so now that I have tagged out on bucks in Illinois I can go back to Doe hunting after the rut, Video taping hunting for fun, and some scouting for next year. And lesson learned ... if you act like a dumb senior blonde you can even get your best friend to field dress your deer... Ya... I had to go there Christine He is a 8 pointer with a sticker growing off the back of his left brow tine.