I know how ya feel! It finally cooled down a little bit here today, and got some showers too. Hopefully this is a sign of things to come!
I'm feeling the pain too, guys. We've been flirting with record high's, here in OH. Didn't much matter, though... I couldn't have made it out, anyway. On the bright side, we have a cool front moving in around mid-week, and the property owner of my honey-hole called today to report a 12 point stud, standing in the corner of his freshly mowed lawn... about 15 yards from one of my stands I've been hunting this pig for 2 straight years. Had him at 50 yards, last season. Just not close enough. Maybe his time has finally come....
Sounds like you really know what this deer is doing! Good luck with him, I will be expecting to see pics before season is over! :D Meanwhile here in Kansas, I have been having some trouble even seeing any bucks. Im hoping that the cooler weather brings them into the open sooner, and maybe I can get one into range.
I wish that were true! LOL.. I usually stay out of this property until the last week of October... but I have 2 guests coming in from MO that week, so if he's making appearances this early, I'm happy to accomodate his schedule
I haven't been able to hunt since Sunday due to studying for 2 exams that I have tomorrow But once I hurry up and fail my physics, I will be back in the stand! One of my main fields should be getting the beans cut starting tomorrow, so that will help me out. I have only seen a doe and a fawn so far in that field.
Its been too hot here, too. I hope to get out tomorrow afternoon, I have to wash all my clothes and vest and bag tonight. Speaking of which, does anyone have a good way to wash there HSS or hunting pack?
Hey Teamy's Rest assured I'm out there every chance I get. Unfortunately nothing to report. Seeing Fox, Coons and Young Bucks (2 sixes and an 8) but no doe in range and no shooter bucks. I'll be at it again Saturday. Good Luck all and shoot well!
Finally got some weather below the 70's.....see what i can contribute this weekend. Good luck everyone else!
I got wet today (Friday), I'll be back at it tomorrow in the AM. A bunch of scrapes are popping up around me!!!!!!
Well... I am up to 6 deer so far I got out yesterday morning on the Park Property Herd Reduction Bowhunt... so Does are a goal including doe fawns... our target # of deer they want removed from the park is 75 deer. Earlyier a small 6 pointer come under me and then this doe fawn came in with her brother do she was the target. I then returned to the park this morning and had this doe with twins come in so I shot the Doe and then her doe fawn then relized I was now out of tags so I got out of the tree at 8:12 am ... since I didnt want a shooter buck coming in on me and then not be able to shoot him since I was out of tags. Believe me there is no bragging on my shot placement on the last 2 deer, while yes they didnt go far before dieing but I didnt hit either one where I was aiming, cant explain why?????.... On the doe the hole looks good ... but....it is the exit hole in the pic. Had to come home and buy new tags so no eveing hunt for me... it was a bit warm though anyway. Gonna get out in the morning to buck hunt. Good Luck Everyone
I got out Friday morning and evening... saw nada, with the exception of a guy cutting through my set up, about 20 minutes before last shooting light. He wore jeans and a white T-shirt and carried nothing but a x-bow, with only ONE dart... this guy MUST be awesome!! ..... damn I hate public land I switched over to my honey hole (private land) for Saturday morning's sit. Saw 10 deer, total. Had a 6 pointer scare 3 does out from underneath me. Just couldn't get drawn on the does, with all of those eyes so close. Maybe next Friday
I got some more land to hunt. 640 acres of secluded pasture and wooded draws, and the only people that hunt it are me and another guy. Which conveniently, he has a girlfriend in Arkansas, so he is hardly ever there.
LF Dropping the Does congrats Josh keep at that Monster 12 will be in to run off that 6 soon Ihunt nice piece of property / 640 slow going here, I've been out a couple more times / not seeing anything Oct 27th can't get here soon enough. thats when i go on vacation til Nov 08th
Mud... Have a great vacation Christine and I spent this morning bowhunting the park since the men folk were at work. We both connected... A Heart shot doe for Cristine... it was a awesome shot and dropped in 15 yards. And mine was liver entrance and lung exit and went 40 yards and dropped within sight of my stand. All I seen was 7 does and fawns this morning ..... no bucks.