So I connected my older video camera up to my television set and played the footage on the TV and took some photos with my camera of the footage on the TV Screen.... quality is not the best but you can see him
Well I just talked to rockinchair, and we are getting Josh/OH for a replacement. He should be checking in sometime soon
Wow, did I get lucky!... like hitting the alternate lotto Checking in, guys. I'm not sure who I'm pinch-hitting for... but I'm happy where I landed and gonna try like hell to contribute some points for the team
Also, I've had the pleasure of shooting with Chris (MUDSHARK) and Bob (Gr8attitude) a time or two -good to see you guys! And I'm familiar with the reputations and posts of a few more... Anyone fairly new probably has no idea who I am, so a quick intro: I live and hunt in central and eastern Ohio. I've been on hiatus from BH.C for most of this year, due to life's responsibilities.... I'm 35 y/o and a single dad of two girls, 9 & 10. I just graduated the Police Academy, last month (I finally did it, Chris... and I'm gonna speed through PA and expect full courtesy! lol )...and I'm also working diligently on my BS in Criminal Justice. It may sound like a lot... but I always find time to hunt; it's my second religeon I wish everyone an oustanding season.... let's give the those BBK chumps a run for their money!!
Glad to have ya on the team! Sounds like you live a pretty busy life haha. Hopefully you can contribute some solid points
Welcome aboard JOSH / on both accounts about the speeding, i'm not sure if everyone else will be so gracious about letting you go without a ticket. I'll give you a free pass thou.
Yesterday morning I headed to the park on the herd reduction Bowhunt ...I took the climber and climbed one of my favorite trees... its a great spot I have proabably killed 10 deer out of it over the last few years First I see a yote come trotting through after it had ran by Christine at 15 yards ( she was just a few hundred yards away in another tree and they dont allow us to kill yotes in the park ) and then not any thing else for about an hour except a lone doe out of range... then in the thicket I see movement, first thing I thought was , DAMIT here comes a pack of yotes, but it wasnt yotes it was 2 does with their young ones. Once they cleared the thicket I saw I had a nice hole to shoot through on the trail they were traveling on. The first doe entered the hole and I bleated to stop her and settled the 20 yard pin on her and let it rip.... shot looked perfect... grabed another arrow nocked it and the 2nd deer entered the hole and I mouth bleated to stop it and settled the pin again and let it rip... shot looked like a good double lung... grabbed another arrow and nocked it and the 3rd doe entered the hole and I rembered I only had one tag left and I needed to save it for a buck.. so the 3rd Doe got a free pass Well the 1st Doe was a perfect heart shot and went about 40 yards and dropped dead... the 2nd deer was her button and it was a double lung that cut half of a rib on the entrance and completely broke in half the exit rib and it dropped not 6 feet from its mother. Now I prefer not to shoot button bucks but unfortunatly I didnt see its buttons Here are few pics.
Nice shooting haha. Sounds like you have a lot of deer around you. Congrats on the does...err deer haha
Nice looking buck there LF. Hopefully you can let the air out of him soon. I've gone to the woods the last 2 evenings and haven't killed anything. I took my buddy 2 days ago and he killed a doe. I took my cousin yesterday and he killed a doe. I'm hoping my good karma points are adding up and I will be next!
Congrats LF.... Whack'em and stack'em! The only deer I had in range last night was a big bodied 8pt with a small thick rack. I had 2 deer of unknown sexual orientation skirt me through the pines. I only saw legs and pieces of deer.
Well I used a climber for the first time ever tonight, and I have come to realize that I have been sitting in some really uncomfortable stands compared to a climber. I plan on ordering either a Summit Viper SS or a Goliath SS very soon. I was set up in what I thought was an awesome spot, but I didn't see anything for some reason. Might have had something to do with the fact that it was 90* at 5:00 this afternoon. But anyways, hopefully I have better luck tomorrow morning!
Congrats LF, nice shootin Lady Tex!!!!!!!!! The BB will make great tasting Meals along with its mother!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats again
Well i saw my first set of horns tonight, however its wasn't legal. a little 5 point (3 and 2) and a spike. For it to be legal it has to have 4 points on one side. But i'm holding out for a better than average Buck, i will try and hold out that it is. I know they are there, there is a scrape about 15 yards from my stand also. There was a doe and a yearling also that came through first. No Shot thou.