Well I shot a doe tonight....with my muzzleloader I was getting anxious for some deer jerky, so I cheated a little bit lol. But the next one will be with my bow, cause we need some points if we are going to be contenders in this here competition. The next hunt will be Sunday morning for me.
50 points for team 7. I shot a Doe early this morning. I will post pics later. I need to start buthering now due to the warm temp.
I shot this doe today 9/25/10 8:20 a.m in SouthEastern WI on public land. I shot her at 5 yards(Thanks to Ultimate Camo). This was only my second sit on stand this season. I hope my season continues like this. Good luck everyone.
AWESOME......... Congrats on the Doe.... Way to put us on the Board!!!!!! I am curious do you have any entrance and exit hole pics of the doe...being she was only 5 yards from your stand I am curious to see where you aimed and hit her... and what pin you held on her for the shot... I think this one we could all maybe learn alot from
Nice nanny! The temps are finally dropping today. Its been in the mid 90s forever and today its in the upper 70s and raining. If it doesn't rain too hard I'll be heading out this afternoon. Good luck everyone!
Chalk up another 50 points for us! I shot a doe this evening around 7:00, this time with my stick and string I will post pics shortly
Well the stand I hung about 3 weeks ago looks to be in a good spot, I got this guy at 2:30 this morning My stand is literally right behind him. Now all I need is for him to come by during shooting light. During the rut I will definitely be sitting in this stand all day long, I definitely want this buck on my wall
Good Job on the Nannies Guys. I've been out twice passed on a doe with twins. Yeah I'm a softy at heart! Also let a nice little 6 maybe 8 pt basket rack walk by in the early light of morning. Not a shooter but good to see next years stock. Probably won't get out again till early next week. Any PA hunters good luck on your opener. Captain are we still missing teammates? or have replacements been made?? If not email Justin! Good luck all...getting on the puter is tough for me right now..But I'm behind ya..and here for ya.
I'm heading out in the morning. Its supposed to be 49-50 degrees. Whoohooo I'll report back when I get out of the woods. Good luck everyone!
Im glad you said something, we are still missing fats replacement. I will PM Justin. Has anyone seen any good deer yet? I have only seen a basket 8 so far, but have good pics of 6 or 7 bucks working scrapes and sparring. I have a good feeling about this year!
Nothing major to report for me. It was beautiful, cool, and still this morning. We didn't see jack squat. Kinda frustrating. Oh well, still got a ways to go.
I am on the University Of Illinois owned Allerton Park Herd Reduction Hunt where we are required to take a Doe before a buck... Got this Doe Sunday evening I used the Grim Reaper 2 inch cut head and it did a huge entrance hole on her, so now that Doe monkey is off my back ....so now I am Buck hunting... Wo Hoooooooooooo I got about 20 minutes of video of a shooter 12 pointer from my treestand opening day, he came in at 9 yards and just hung around me in his staging area, he was then joined by another 8 point buck, its some awesome footage but it would have been better if he had come in after I had gotten my Doe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My husband killed 2 Doe's opening day, and Christine was there also and she got her Doe opening morning
Way to go! I saw you were the last one that posted on the scorecard thread, so I was in a rush to find out team thread lol. It's too bad you couldn't shoot that 12 point, but maybe he will come by again, we could use the points! Congrats on the doe