I am taking classes at KSU, so things might get kind of busy for me. But if no one else wants to, I could step up to the plate
Well NC????? I'm assuming nothing because no Post!!!!!! We need to have a Capt!!!!!!!! are taking TEAM - Tag Out!!!!!!?????????
Well in about 3 hours I will be in the stand for the first time this season, talk about a long 3 hours! I will be sitting in the stand I arrowed a 130" buck last year but lost him I think it will be a pretty good spot with this strong south wind, since its pretty covered from the wind. I wont be stacking up the does until after I finish building my deer processing building, but all that is left is running the electric and putting sheeting on the inside walls. After that is done, its game on!
I've heard some of the guys who hunt with you...say you are Thunder indeed... ................Thunder Foot that is....
i...you can be Capt...or we can just manage by as a Group if you don't have time. We got a name and some players, so let's lay down some meat!
Sounds good to me, I dont really know what the captain is required to do but I'll do it! Didn't have any luck tonight, I could have shot a doe but I decided to pass (I have to study for an exam tonight). I'm thinking about shooting one tomorrow though
There is nothing really involved in being a Capt..Sometimes if there is a scoring or ethics question, Justin may poll the Captains for a vote. Sometimes the hardest part is keeping the team thread moving and all participating. It's easy now, but after a few tag-out or the season is waining..it's hard to keep the teams activity up. Your it ihunt... OUR CAPT!
Not much to report here. Nothing but does and young bucks in my last 2 sits. Its been so damn hot. I let a doe walk the other night because she still had 2 little ones with her. I know they would have been fine without her but the last time I shot a doe with fawns with her, the fawns bawled and cried. I swore I'd never have to listen to that again. Next time I get in the tree it will be Friday evening.
As the captain, I reckon you all should know more about me. The names Cole, and I am a student at KSU. I have my class schedules set up so I can hunt every evening, so hopefully I take advantage of it. I have not been able to get a doe within range without a young'n around in my first 3 sits. The first one alone will get a rage through the cage though.
Congrats Capt, best of luck to you all, i have to wait till Oct 2nd. My broadheads are hitting the same spot my field tips are. SO if i miss its all ME!!!!!! The Property Owners are Seeing some nice bucks in the area i hunt, I can't wait Is everyone else sending each other the cell phone #, i text our Capt a couple of times lets keep in touch!!!!!!
Well I believe I can finally hunt my new stand tomorrow afternoon, predicting a north wind for a change. Hopefully a nice doe walks by, or maybe a big ol buck if I play my cards right. Anybody got any bucks patterned or anything? Or just relying on past information to influence your hunting?
good luck tomorrow,capt., I still need to wait another week,Oct 1st for me. arrows are flying true,hope to be flinging a MUZZY soon.
Ohio comes in the morning (Saturday). This weekend is a mess for me. I might, could, squeeze in an AM hunt Sunday.