I have made 2 different tag out avatars, one with the word team and one without, if you all want to use the tag out name for the team just pick the one you like.
Mine starts the same as yours, next monday. This is Chris married to sliverflicker down in Dwight, you have one of my GSP pups. Great looking bucks iHunt, good luck with them this year. John has to log off for me to log on so I haven't been on much, Got several great bucks to hunt around the house this year. Love the avatar! Now I just need to figure out how to post it.
I'M am just hunting PA this year!!!!!!!!! the first couple of weeks of the season is going to be limited hunting!!!!!!! my daughter is running in X country / She finished in 2nd place yesterday!!!!!!!!!! Son is playing football ( Pee Wee) i think both are done some time around 2 / 3 rd wk in Oct. Season starts Oct 02, I'm working that day 7 - 3 so it will be a evening sit!!!!! that night!!!!!
Oh hey Chris! Small world, us being on the same team Hows things been going? Rex sure has grown up a lot since that day I got him, he weighs about 60 pounds now.
So would everyone that has texting be interested in swapping numbers so we can communicate stand to stand? It would be pretty cool to know what everyone is seeing and when they put one on the ground
Hey guys sorry I haven't been on much. I'm on vacation at the beach this week. I'll be home on Saturday and back in the woods on Sunday.