I like the 7 deadly sins How about the RACK PACK ????? And I even made an avater to go with it. Now I have one I made that would work for the 7 deadly sins... just need to tweek it a little
Any of those names sound good to me. We have to think what would sound best for a team that wins a competition
That'll be enough you two Looks like I will have to keep you guys in check ... I have a name for you ... what about..... Land Sharks?
It was Tree Sharks thank-you.. We could go with The Preacha Teacha Association or PTA for short! Or we could name ourselves after a favorite local band. The Huckin Fillbillies
I pm'd our missing team-mates. Fatsbucknut should be along..he was just on yesterday. The other one...not so sure of he only has 3 career posts. I let Justin know we are short!
Well I have got some prospects so far Just got this guy last night: And I have around 300 pictures of this buck: But if the stars happen to align, I might get this one:
I really would rather not unless no one else wants to... I am already a Team Captain over on huntingnet and I think one team captain position is plenty for me. ihunt; Those are some great looking bucks ... I wanna see the rest of the buck in the last picture!!!!!!! I couldnt help but wonder what that 2 buck in the pic's would look like after one more year of growing
LF my vote is for the Tag Out Avatar...Looks awesome!! Ihunt good luck with those bucks..that last buck is a slammer!
The second buck is going downhill He was a 12 point last season, but not quite as much mass. So hopefully he will stop one of my arrows with his lungs this year