Congrats on the slickheads guys, we are doing pretty good in this here contest so far Pat- I'm not seeing any pictures anywhere
Pat NO PICS man card????????????? if we can get pat'S pic's posted we will be in 2nd FOR NOW PT WE'RE COMING FOR YOU GUYS
Hey Mud, Do you want Team 6 to stop hunting for three weeks so you guys can catch up? That'll make it more interesting, eh? Maybe if we hop on one foot to our stands each morning and forget to bring our bows...... Best of luck Team 7!
I'm terribly sorry Mud. It seems one of my teamies went and shot another dandy buck before I had time to get the message out. Dang-nab-it! It's gonna count too!
Hey guys, just checking in. I've been out in a tree most of the week, except for the holiday. We got hammered with rain for a day and a half, straight! This morning held temps in the 20's, with 15-25 MPH winds... was pretty brutal. Tomorrow will be even colder, but I'll still be at it! I'm only seeing dinks and does, still. Is anyone seeing any lingering rut activity at all??
I grunted in a 145ish inch buck this morning, stood there at 20 yards and I could only watch (1 buck a year in Kansas ) My friend watched a forkhorn try chasing some does this morning as well. Won't be going out tomorrow, gonna be real windy. I will work on my deer processing shed instead
Monday starts the Orange army bergade, thinking about taking my Bow with me, my daughter will have a rifle. TO CARRY OR NOT TO CARRY??????????
I'm struggling with the same decision as we speak, Chris lol... it's been one of those years years for me. A couple of nice bucks, just out of range. And a couple of true monsters at about 100 yards. If I had my boom stick, something would be at the taxi already
Christine , K, L and I were out bowhunting the other morning ( L and I doe hunting ) Christine and K Buck hunting when Christine shot a good buck only to have the worlds worst luck that her buck fell in the river. The next day Christine and K took the canoe out there to try and find him in the rising river water to no avail. Hopefully the river level will drop and we can search the river again with better luck. While we were looking for Christines buck we came across this dead buck... he is the same buck a while back I had at my stand when I tried to videotape him only to have the camera battery die what a waste.. I would of been much happier if Christine or Kendal would of had a shot at this buck....he was much better looking when he was alive!!! A gun hunter on the neighboring property claimed he shot him on friday of the Illinois 1st firearm season.
Hey, While we were jockeying for position, Did anyone see team 20 come around the corner? Pick up the pace team Seven! We're coming down to the wire. Action will take the cup! Best wishes guys!
Not much to report here. I'm free to hunt today and tomorrow but its raining and windy. Not good. I plan on gettting after it on Thursday and Friday. I need to shoot a daggum doe!