I'm gonna hammer the next brown critter that walks in front of me... just to remind myself why I'm out there Hammer Time !!! :D I had an amazing hunt yesterday morning. Took the video camera and decided I would take a doe only if she wasnt in heat and or being followed by a buck , if the oppertunity presented itself. I stoped counting Doe's and fawn's sighted at 16 , they were everywhere, must have seen 7 or 8 bucks. Big doe came in it roughly 13-15 yards but she was being hounded by a dink buck so she got a free pass. Had a doe fawn then her mother and then her button buck come by me single file at 9 yards at the farthest, with no bucks following, so the big doe was my target and to be honest when I shot I didnt see where the arrow hit her. She bounded off to 25 yards from my tree and turned so I gave her another arrow and she bolted off. She went in the thick stuff and I lost sight of her as her fawns hung around a while. Later her fawns returned 3 different times and the 3rd time they even brought another doe with them.( didnt get the kill on video) In the direction that my arrowed doe went I heard a loud buck roar, but couldnt see what made the roar, till a little while later what looked like a 2 1/2 old 8 point emerged from her area. I saw him 3 times that morning as well. I watched alot of smaller bucks chase does and doe fawns all morning.It was pretty much non stop deer and chasing all morning till about 11:30am. I then see a doe that just appeared like it seemed out of no where, she was about 40 yards and I see a shooter buck following her, he gets to roughly 30 yards from me and just stands guard over the doe, and would occasionally stomp and grunt at her. I noticed something funny was going on with him... The lower last half of his back leg is gone :0 and his rack is a Big 4 Points on his left side, but 2 up points and one drop tine on the other side. I watched as he limped around severly after her, he limped so bad that when he would take a step his rump would almost hit the ground, ( and I got all of him with the doe on video ) So when I decided the deer sightings were starting to slack off and I needed a bathroom break I climbed down. Once I started blood tracking my doe and found an area completly covered in blood and deer hair and looked like someone had just tore the ground up with a hoe and then a blood trail again till I spotted my down doe. So I tagged her and returned to my car and ( while I was eating Venison Jerky... Yummy ) waited for christine to show up with the deer cart to help us haul the doe from the woods to the car. Once we went to load the doe on the cart christine noticed some extras holes in the doe's rump. We then relized that the 2 1/2 old 8 pointer must have been the one whom I heard roar , he must have been the one that was goaring my doe with his antlers in the rump trying to get her to get up ( turned out my 1st shot at her was good and did her in). I also noticed she had some pretty funky teeth allignment and wear , gonna have to age her, I think she was old ? I have a friend whom the economy hasnt been to kind to that is making her into summer sausage and jerky... I cant wait to eat it
LF you are on fire! Y'all Midwest peeps don't know how good you got it! lol I'm headed back out this afternoon. It rained most of the day yesterday and it should be nice this afternoon. Hopefully I can drop the hammer on SOMETHING.
Again... HAMMERTIME Actually I do know how good we have it since... I grew up on the West Coast... and I am very grateful that we have it so good here !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Funny thing is yesterday morning I was the only hunter that hunted the 2000 acre park... whats up with that ??? I mean its peak rut from what I'm seeing and there is no one else hunting that morning except me ( I would of thought some of the other hunters would of taken vacation time this time of year for the rut) , I dont know maybe they already used up their vacation time starting early november , and then christine hunting the park in the afternoon. They were doing a controled burn on the very south side of the park but that was across the river and a long ways from where I was hunting. MUDSHARK............. Hope the kids have a great time hunting
LF kickin Butt and takin Nannes, good for you. Great Job. I am pumped about this rifle season for the KIDS!!!!!!!!!!! I haven't looked forward to a rifle season like this for a while. I'll post up pics if kids SCORE!!!!!!!!!!! i hope i can control the trigger finger on the 300 ultra mag, and can hold off to 2nd ARCHERY SEASON on Dec 26th.
Hi Team-Mates, Was ROCKED hard with the flu!! Spent 52 straight hours in bed only getting up to use faciliities. WOW bad stuff. Glad I got that flu shot . Anyway..living seems like a viable option now. Hey Mudshark knockem dead with the .300 if ya get the chance. I'll be in the Pa Hills with ya carrying the 6mm Remington or the 50 Cal in line, the week after Turkeyday. We are only 4 does and a buck from taking this thing. I believe we could have won on Lady's doe kill alone, if more than 1 entry was allowed. Thats some seaon you and the Mr. have had! To those of you still Bowhunting goodluck. To those of you who are ready to pick up the next weapon of choice...good luck there too!
Chris why did they not put your buck score on our team total in the scorecard thread? Bob, glad you're feeling better.
Congrats Pat! It was a super slow weekend in the woods but I whacked one, also Guys, they've changed the pic insert method, since I last loaded pics... do we have to use photobucket?? Edit - Pat, I loaded my pics to photobucket, then copied the "direct link" code and pastet them (seperately) in the pop up box provided when you click the "insert image" box of the fresh post. I had to delete their preloaded "HTTP//" crap, though : )
Here we go... and rest assured I'm still working on my buck tag! I'll be back out there Weds. or Thurs. - Monday This one bedded down about 25 directly in front of me, about an hour before dark. I try to leave the does alone until after the gun season (1st week of Dec.), but it was far too tempting... and it's it has been the toughest, most unpredictable rut I've ever experienced! lol
Long story short, her and 4 of her friends came running across the cut corn directly to me right at last light....tried to pick the biggest of the bunch, she was there at 10-15 yards, fortunately had just enough light to see that green pin and put a Rage right through her....the group ran right and she ran left about 30-40 yrds and fell over within about 10 seconds. Still got a little time to fill that buck tag too, its been a slow year glad i finally got some meat in the freezer!
WOOOOO HOOOOO... Congrats to you Josh & Pat on the Doe's.. :D Now with that additional 100 points wouldnt that put our Team in 2nd Place ..so far ? I went out the other morning just to video tape deer( I was out of doe tags ) .. and got some pretty good footage... I saw 6 bucks, 1 doe and 2 fawns , even got on tape one buck bristle and do the ole stiff legged walk as he postured away the smaller buck. And of course since I didnt go and buy more doe tags had a nice doe at 15 yards and her button buck litterly right under me. To bad it turned out that the new 8mm tape I bought for the camera was a piece of junk and most of my footage is all jumpy PISSED ME OFF !!!
did the pics show up on my post? they are on my computer but my other buddy at work said they werent showing up on his.
...as you should be Just don't go spreading the word about us... we like to handle our business quietly
Dave; I know that feeling all to well... Pat; Your photos dont show on our team thread or in the officail scorecard thread on my computer.