Looked for 2 hours tonight, little to no blood, found the arrow and was covered around 10 inches in bright red blood, going back in the morning to search again
about to head out right now, heavy frost. She will be fine. Hopefully the coyotes didn't find her first
Good luck on finding your does guys. Little to no blood could mean the deers intestines/guts are blocking the exit hole. Still a dead deer.
Looked for another 3 hours, going back after my English class, feeling pretty low right now. I owe it to the deer to keep looking
Yes, it was a werid angle. I was sitting down due to a branch the arrow could hit,it was around a 15 yard shot but I was pressed against the tree because of where she was. The arrow hit a little high and forward because I think I've never really practiced those shots before. I swore it blew through the shoulder, when I found the arrow it was covered in about 8 inches in bright red blood. But we only found a drop of blood on the ground around every 30 yards. I wonder if because the angle was steep that she wasn't bleeding alot because it was coming out the side. I was using a kill zone and was suprised it didn't open her up
No luck on my doe, the deflectling arrow didn't get any penetration. lead to zero bloodtrail and hopefully a living deer out there somewhere. As the deer was walking off i could see my arrow sticking out and never did find it on the trail.
Guys, after almost 6 days, I killed a "last minute, day before gun season" 8 point. Not huge, but a decent large bodied buck, one that I don't let walk. I was ready to jump out of my stand when I heard him crash I won't be able to enter him for a couple of days though. Rock on!
massbow keep your head up and keep at the doe hunting....I will do the same with my buck hunting. we will keep each other going buddy.
MassBow, these things happen. Keep hunting and keep it fun. When does your season end? Mine ends the first week of January and I will be trying my best to lay down a buck.
Awesome FEB!!! Way to go buddy!! Here's the story on my buck for those who want to read about the kill... http://forums.bowhunting.com/showth...-re-not-on-Facebook-2012-public-land-DIY-buck