wow Greg! thanks to you and buckjeezy we are within striking distance in this competition. A couple more does and a buck......
You get anywhere close that and we will be right there..... down to my last five hours of hunting during my vacation on Wed.....after that my hunting will slow down and I might only be able to uunt five to seven more times.
Nice deer man!!! I only saw two fawns and a small 8 tonight. Did manage to stick a turkey though! My first bearded hen and 2nd turkey with a bow. She didn't go far after getting hit with a
Well guys no buck yet but I got us another 50 points with a nice doe today be back out again tomorrow to try for a buck if it doesn't rain
Just saw Austin's chunky doe, nice work bud! You guys are rackin em up! I'm workin hard for a buck, they're just not moving. Today was pretty darn windy again, and weather should be ideal the next few days. Good luck
Rut is starting to hit full swing here in southern Il tomorrow is my last day of vacation so hope I can get a good buck tomorrow before gunseason on Friday
Striker dropped one too? I'm havin a hard time keeping track of all the critters dropping here Congrats on the doe!
Dropped mine off at the taxi today... he also happens to pen-raise deer so he can study their facial expressions and mannerisms (one of the reasons he's one of the best in the world, literally.... he's got so many top-5 finishes in the Master's Division at the Worlds in whitetails it's amazing). If you're looking for an EXCEPTIONAL taxidermist and in the Midwest, give me a shout; he's mounted every single one of my animals, including my speedgoat and elk. He aged him by examining his teeth once he skinned him out at 5 1/2. He taped out at 155 7/8". Good luck to everyone else... I'll catch you guys up on the story of how the hunt went down later.
Good job striker! WOW guys, we are on friggin fire! That should slide us into the top 3-4 with several guys still hunting big bucks.....keep dropping em guys. Makes me wish I would have put an arrow into the 80-100 inch bucks I had in range....dang. Still at it guys, I am trying. Greg, 155 7/8.....outstanding
Well guys it looks like the weather will be great for my last five hours in the woods tomorrow morning. After that my vacation will end. It is going to be the coldest day of the hunting season so far at 25 degrees in the morning. I will be crowded up next to a doe bedding area from 0530 to 1130....