This has been the slowest October hunting for me in a decade. I have been so busy with my family and work that I have hunted a grand total of about six hours since October 6th. I should be able to get out this Wednesday then starting on October 29th I will be hitting it hard for two weeks. Good luck guys!
This weekend my parents are going away to utah, so ill be able to sneak out and save the homework for later, Hopefully put a doe on the ground
Just got back from a 3 day hunt. Saw deer like crazy! Unfortunately, none were bucks. The nannys were everywhere, and almost had another freezer filler, but no dice, and passed on a couple of fawns. It was a blast though, can't wait to get back. I'm hoping next weekend, the action might really start rockin. The rattlin horns will be coming out, and I really want to try the decoy a little more this year. Keep at it fellas!
Didn't put anything down this weekend, but had some action though it was slower than I thought it would be for this time of year. Maybe the warmer temps. Saw a half dozen doe or so on Saturday. Wanted to try a new tree on my property so used my climber and got up and turned around and a doe was at 20 yards coming toward me. Proof that a Lone Wolf Climber is the only way to go. I was actually hoisting my bow up with the Doe at 20 yards when she would look down or away and then hold it when she would look in my direction. It was nuts. I did it without her ever knowing I was there but when I got my bow she was already by me and heading away from me up the ridge. It was a young deer and think it may have been a fawn so I was not upset about it and do know know if I would of shot her anyway for that reason. She was small. On Sunday, I saw a really big buck tailing 2 doe at about 4:30 pm and that was awesome to see. It was at about 40 yards on the other side of a creek but way too thick still for a shot. Grunted at him and he stopped and looked for a while, but couldn't get him to change his direction as he continued following the 2 doe. One doe was younger and that is probably the one he was chasing so early. I did not see anything else the rest of the night. Things are going to start getting good the next couple of weeks and I will be back out next weekend. I am taking off work the first week of November. Keep hunting hard when you can!
I'm getting out for a 3 day hunt this coming weekend. Looks like its supposed to get chilly here in WI at the end of the week so hopefully the weather swing will get the big bucks on their feet!
Got my fifty points on the ground this morning. Ended up being a button buck and not a doe but meat is meat. The shot was perfect and these bloodrunners really did some work on the insides of this deer.
I also noticed a pickup in the action unfortunatly not while hunting. I got a couple bucks chasing does on my trail cam and had a few new scrapes showing up so things are looking up. Probably will be out thurs. Fri afternoon and Mon. All day. Unfortunately im having a problem with my computer so I cant post the pics from the camera. Ill have to get ny wife to work on that this week. When I get it worked out ill post them up
congrats on the Doe! good work. does it count as a doe or buck? here in Va it would count as a doe with small nubs below hairline.
I made it out Saturday afternoon, saw a 1 1/2 yr. old buck and a doe and two fawns, just couldn't get them close enough. Working all this week and the weekend then on vacation Oct. 29th through Nov. 20th!!! Cant wait to get these next few days out of the way and I will be in the stand every day. Still getting some nice bucks on cam, looks like we have at least two in the 140 range that are staying close and we always get a few strangers that move in to chase the does around the first week of Nov. Can't wait to get out and get after it.
I will be hitting it hard after this weekend with the temps dropping, hopefully the deer movement sky rockets. And hopefully we can get a wind change around here, these south winds need to let up!