Like I've said before, this team is the darkhorse in this competition. Keep hunting hard! This is us right now, primed and ready......
Had a great weekend, but no brown down. Passed on 2 dinks and saw one borderline shooter. Too far for a shot and he wasn't interested in any of my calling. Looked to be a 125ish 8 pointer. No nannys seen at all. Next weekend I'll be heading to a different farm in Illinois, where I killed my bruiser last year. We shall see, it's gonna be an interesting season I think.
got a good size doe on my somewhat working camera. but shes coming in around 3 am. im hoping that the cold fronts that keep hitting us in northern Illinois are going to start getting them up and moving either a little later in the afternoon, or make em wait till sunrise.. we shale see...
so, how much meat does one usually get off of a medium size doe... wanting to know how much space i should have cleaned out in the freezer... hopefully ill be getting out there soon. there's just so much going on with the wife, crappy job, (thankful i have one) and the three kids...
Brian, I have three kids myself and my schedule is absolutely crazy each day. Just relax, don't stress, and breath in the fall air when you hit the woods. No stress man.
ATTETION ALL TEAM MEMBERS: Fitz sent me a pm and to all the others captains. Remember to add the time and date of your kill. Also include the gear you used. If you do not the score will not be published till the following week! All I can say is keep hitting the woods and remember this is a contest just for FUN no stress about getting a kill. Great time to get to know people and learn more about the thing we all love, bowhunting
Well my season has gotten off to a pretty slow start, went out last night after work was settled in by 4 in a ground blind with my bud who was gonna shoot some video, around 530 we start hearing something coming our way only to look and see another hunter headed right to us. My buudy gets out to let the guy know we're there and the guy shrugs him off and sits within 50 yards of us to late for us to pack up and move so I figured we would just wait to see what happened, fortunately no deer showed up so there was never an issue and I really wanted to rip into the guy but I decided that would get me no where so I let it go. Anyway I have yet to do a morning sit and I think the last few years all my deer have come on morning hunts so staring next week ill be taking off some days and get in my stand bright and early. Not gonna do much till next week gonna finish up the honey do's before prime time. Ill keep you posted.
Yeah its public so he had just as much of a right to be there as I did but some courtesy would be nice. Ive come up on guys on public land near where I wanted to hunt and when I see them ill back out and go to a different spot. The least the guy could have done was move 100yds from us theres plenty of room. This is one of the few spots I hunt that has easy access and I think is often overlooked because its doesnt look like much, in fact ive been hunting it for several years now and have taken a few doe's from there and this is the first time ive ever seen anyone else hunting it so I guess I should be thankful it took this long for that to happen.
i had a problem with a neighbor last year. it was the last day of the season, so i got out in the field real early, i had been sitting for about 4 hours when i started hearing some movement behind my blind. the deer were on the other side of the river. as i was trying to oh, so slowly turn around in bitter cold weather to see if i could get a shot opportunity, my grandfathers neighbor comes screaming by on his 4 wheeler. when i motioned that i was there in the blind, he promptly stopped by to see how i was doing and say " i though i saw your car in the driveway" then he road off, not to leave me alone, but to continue to ride around on his property. which was his right, but he was an avid hunter as well... just dosent have any respect whats so ever. man, ive never wanted to... never mind. it made for a super un-happy end to last years season. so this year, ive already got the signs up stating the hunting dates, and no trespassing... well see...
Well, I'm heading back out in the morning for a long weekend, despite the horrible forecast. It's getting hot again, nearly 80, and windy. My dad's going with me, he's 78 and uses a crossbow. He still climbs into our 20 ft ladderstands, he rocks! Gonna be jumping around from stand to stand, have it all planned out already according to wind direction Good luck guys!
Team update: Everyone say congrats to Fred, just got a text and he shot a doe! 50 points more for the buck bullies! Great job man
Congrats to Fred!, the whole SBO crew will be out in the morning hopefully to put something on the ground. Update from my last two sits this past week: Sit one: busted by a large bodied deer before first light because of a sudden wind change. Ended the sit by seeing two smaller bucks. Sit two: Everything was perfect in one of my favorite stands..... That was until I spotted four coyotes coming my way. Needless to say these &@&$& will never get a pass by me even if it does ruin my hunt. So one of the smaller ones got a bloodrunner.
Been hitting it fairly hard... about to ramp up the action with a bunch of sits in a row coming up. Keep after it guys!