Someone in my family has killed a 150"+ buck on Halloween weekend the last 3 years so I'll definitely be in the woods that entire weekend. In my opinion Halloween weekend and the following weekend are usually the best weekends to be in the woods.
Halloween is a Wednesday this year. So, in your opinion, would the weekend before or after be better?
Me, I would take after. I always take off the week before the gun season. This year, I'll be off approx 11-8 thru 11-16, and go right into the gun season. New moon on the 14th also. 3 of my best bucks were killed on the day before the gun season opener, anywhere from the 17th to 20th in past years. Anytime during the first 3 weeks of Nov, you really can't go wrong.
Anyone hunting this weekend, good luck. Stay safe and hunt hard. I will be looking forward to stories and pics when I get home from work on Sunday morning.
sat in the rain for 3 1/2 hours and didnt see anything! guess thats why its hunting and not shooting but my grandpa saw a 6 pointer so they are in the area.
My first bowkill was a "small" (size if relative to location and the beholder) 7 pointer. I am proud to have killed that deer. YOU should be pumped!
Well, i THINK I sent everybody a pm w my # if not send me one and let me know so i can get it out to ya. Good luck to all the IL opener is just around the corner, its time to get it on!
ill post the other pictures tomorrow and measure the rack! ill just have to look up a guide on how to
Massbow, great buck. Here is how to score: