Currently we are 315 4/8 from first place 187 1/8 from second place and only 72 5/8 from third place Definitely reachable!
With only one doe down too! we are about to make a run at this! Still plenty of time. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Congrats on the buck. You guys have to knock down some does. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Goodluck man! I’ve always wanted to hunt on thanksgiving lol I always look back on all the shows I watched growing up and I always remember them saying, “it’s thanksgiving day.” Hahaha boom big buck down. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
I had an alpha doe with her two youngsters near my bait pile, <20yds the other evening. She never cleared the hollies that protected her vitals. (How did she know?). Oh well...
Oh man, we can definitely make a run! I'm hoping to take my longbow out this weekend and shoot a doe. My wife's grandfather has had his cancer come back once again and asked if I'd shoot him a deer since his energy levels are so low. It'd be the most meaningful deer to date. Not just because it'd be for him but also because he wants to process the entire thing together.
Let’s hope you can do that for him Jensen. The temps are going to drop. I am finally seeing deer locked down with does in the fields. Good luck everyone Sent from my iPhone using Forums
With the temps starting to fall, the deer have been starting to hit our standing beans pretty regularly in the evenings. If I don't kill a doe this weekend, I would be surprised! All of these deer are in bow range of our blind, which is just out of the frame in the upper right corner.
They’re definitely replenishing after the rut. Greens and beans are where it’s at right now. Here’s one of my plots this morning. You can barely see my stand in the back left on the picture. It’s clover on the stand side of the plot and 7 cars stud near the camera. Unfortunately the wind isn’t looking good for this stand this weekend. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Happy thanksgiving fellas! On a doe mission first thing tomorrow morning! Sent from my iPhone using Forums
I went out this morning as it's tradition to hunt Thanksgiving morning around these parts! Didn't see anything but a small button buck, but it sure was a beautiful morning! 30 degrees, slight breeze, clear skies and a heck of a sunrise. A great day to be a bowhunter! Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Here's to putting down some freezer queens this weekend!
Happy Thanksgiving all! I made it to Missouri, ate some turkey and now in the stand. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Unfortunately I did not. We just got home late last night. In most areas of the property the movement was pretty dead. I saw some from a distance and had a spike close but all the others were too far out. My nephew had the hot spot in a rye plot but no shot opportunities for him either. He was strictly going for a buck.