Good luck brother! I will be out again tomorrow. 12" of snow on the ground... 3 degrees at sunrise with 0 wind. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
No Luck guys... I am not sitting in -3 with 10-15mph wind tomorrow. Going to be walking around tho... Not much faith in the rifle season. Nothing moving where I'm at. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The fun begins Saturday, 9 day Wisconsin gun season then 10 day muzzleloader season. A week after that head to Iowa for the second shotgun season.
Good luck Saturday guys! Last Saturday was rifle season for me so I put down the bow and took out the rifle. If i get a buck this weekend, then ill probably start bow hunting again. I witnessed a lot of does acting nervous Sunday and even a half racked 8 point chasing a deer. Hopefully the chase will be on this weekend. Too bad I cant hunt during the week because I know its going to be happening. Hopefully you guys have better luck then I have been having but at the same time this is the best day rifle hunting I have had in 2 years.
Got a 10 pointer Friday AM in IL on public land. 145-150 yds shot with Savage 220. Will get more pics as soon as I can grab the SD card they are on. Good luck guys!
Finally doing well! Thanks for asking. Mom is OK, but wet-sounding cough today so I am wondering if we have another bout of pneumonia upcoming. Spouse and kids are actually healthy, too! good luck!
Got my first pig this weekend and the first pig ever taken off our lease in Copiah County, Mississippi. Hunted saturday morning with a sligghhtttt headache from staying up till 2am shooting fireball and drinking beers. Saw a big coyote at 7:00 at 250yds. He turned and trotted all the way to the foodplot at 80yds. I was holding the crosshairs on his head the whole time but was hoping for a broadside shot (guy at the camp wanted a cape). Well as I was squeezing the trigger he suddenly smelled something and bounced into the woods. No dead coyote :banghead: Saturday afternoon I got to the stand at 2:35. I was hunting in a cutover and my dad was hunting another stand just 350yds away to my back-left. I got to my stand and climbed in, my dad waited till I was set before he started walking in case he was to jump something on the way. So I sit down, put on my binoculars, answer a text, look up and boom, there is a pig in the food plot 130yds away in front of me. I quickly grab my rifle, zoom in the scope and BOOOOOMMMMM! piggy drops! I was stoked, I've been hoping for a pig for years but no one on the lease has ever seen them while hunting, just on cameras (for 3 years). I hear my phone vibrating, it's Dad, I answer "Bacon down!!" He was just as excited. He hadn't even made it to his stand which was a 5 minute walk Sorry, Mom hoping to get a doe this coming weekend after thanksgiving then it's all bucks the rest of the way