Yeahh I kinda feel like if it ain’t broke don’t fix it.. I’m staying with the rages, hope to let one fly in the morning! Just got home from work.
So have we come to a conclusion on a team capt.? I think we all agree on fletched warriors as the name right?
Didn’t see a thing.. heard some movement before day break. Really wish I could hunt the evening but I got a wedding to go to. Gunna try my luck again in the A.M
Check cameras this morning nothing special just a few young bucks. 75% of the pics are hogs I am overrun with pigs it's ridiculous. 40 acres At my house 700 acres 3miles from my house and my 300 acre farm that 40 miles from my home are overrun with hogs which seems to push the deer out.
I could use the help. I killed 9 last year with my bow. It was fun the fist year when they started showing up but now I'm about 10 years into this and they are pain in the butt.
Yeah I don’t have a first hand experience but I’ve seen the damage they can do.. just say when and where!
(I'm testing out google photos for hosting pics - anyone have a more straight-forward website suggestion?) This is a long & narrow plot of "frosty" berseem clover I just put in between a ~2A corn plot and 20+yr old dustan chestnuts on the left. My better half provides the sense of scale. I put in a ~0.1A of rape, radish and balansa clover at the end of the corn plot. The chestnuts start to drop mid-Sept. -fsh
I'm going to take care of it. I will notify the admin on Monday of our name and me as team captain. Sent from my Moto Z (2) using Forums mobile app
I wasn't able to see them as well. Thought it was just me. Sent from my Moto Z (2) using Forums mobile app
Serious bummer fellas. Got our plots in early this year (late June)......had as much rain as you could ever dream of......conditions couldn’t be more perfect. Checked on plots late July and 6”+plants in a lush green carpet in every plot. Went back yesterday to pull some cams expecting a jungle and turnips the size of my fist and what I walked into instead looked like a virtual disaster area. Weeds EVERYWHERE and a specific weed we are unfamiliar with is literally invaded every plot. Our plants are still as stubby as they were in July and two plots have no plants left and are entirely overrun with grasses. I am speechless. We not only followed the same routine we have for 8 years now but we did it even better. Round up in May, multiple disc runs and lime starting in June then disc again, fertilize and plant at end of June into awesome rainfall. I honestly don’t know what could have possibly happened. We are out about $1,000 and that doesn’t account for a single minute of our time wasted. We are not going down without a fight though as Tuesday we are going up and brush hogging as much trash out of there as we can and replanting turnips by our gun house and ryegrass, clover, chicory, oats, and some brassicas in another archery plot. If we manage any growth at all in NY in the limited tome we have left it will be a miracle. I feel worst for my dad as he kills bucks out of that gun house a lot late season and I sure hope he can still go there. Wish us luck.
Horrible. I feel for ya Atlas. Last year I had army worms wipe me out and was replanting plots in October! I have done the same some other years due to drought. I'm not sure what growing zone you are in, but anything you can get out is better than nothing. I have had great luck with late planting winter rye and Buck Forage Oats. I have tried all brands of oats, but believe me, there is a reason that Buck Forage Oats cost way more. They really are far superior in genetics to withstand cold temps and stay green. In fact here, most winters never brown them down. They stay green all winter, even under the snow and we kill turkeys in them in the Spring. You may not have that easy of winter, but I guarantee you that they will grow and stay green later than Plot Spike oats or any of the other competitors. Late planted turnips have also done great for me. Even if the bulbs don't get a chance to grow larger than golf-ball size, the deer will devour them. In fact, I think you get less waste, because the deer can get the entire bulb in their mouth. Winter wheat is another decent option. Best of luck to you!
Atlas Atlas - crap happens... I fall-planted last year right before 1/2" of rain, then we had 3 weeks of 90+F temps without a drop. The only surviving plants were thin strips along shaded edges. So I feel your pains. Post a pic of the problem weed as you wish. -fsh
Post a picture of the weed. I have a friend that works for Monsanto and I can possibly get you some information. He handles all types of crops. Sent from my Moto Z (2) using Forums mobile app
Thanks guys.......couple hours of sleep then off to brush hog, disc and plant. Hopefully time is on our side. I planted a plot at my house early August and it looks amazing so I have hope and something is better then what we have now. Here is the %#*+!!! Weed that is freakin EVERYWHERE.