There is still over a foot of snow back home on our properties. Hopefully after this week I will be able to get out.
Were u live 130Woodman I might come help you look I was in Janesville Wi this morning and now I am in LaCross Wi. Might be back next week. Any way my total is 73. With these totals we will be in the lead with 94 so far.Not counting if someone else puts in there amount. Keep up the good work team, Dunn County I heard it was going to be warming up so luck may be on your side, I hope I am tired of the snow. I hope I get to go again before the deadline.
I'm live in Muskego and my hunting grounds are by lacrosse. I might head up next weekend I would meet up for a shed hunt. let me know I'll see if it works out.
Sounds good to me I will have to see what loads are available and get a hold of you. I would love to.
I went up Friday and there was still was 6" of snow. It doesn't look like it will be gone before this weekend. I might just head out in southern WI Saturday. For the northern shed hunt probably not until the last weekend of the month.
I will be in Janesville Monday and lacross by Tuesday but looks like it might of snowed more so if you want to get together let me know if not maybe some other time.
Was running hog dogs last weekend and ran across a decent little four point side. Add one more for my total.
I can't get out during the week this time of year but maybe next year I like shedding with other people.
Congrats on the find. Yall still getting snow? I been to Minnesota 2 times in the last week and half and it has snowed every time.
The snow is mostly gone now we have had a couple of nice days. I went out to a lease in Illinois today and found 1 more. An oldie but a good size one. This is my last shed hunt of the year, 20+ ticks today sucked. I had everyone around me scratching like they had fleas. My total is 4
Well I never made it out to look anymore to much work to do. We did well though. I was in Rice Lake WI Thursday and they got 18 inches of snow, I don't know how y'all do it Woodman its to much snow for an east Texas man. Maybe next year the weather will be better for us.
Well guys I just looked at the final score card and see we lost at 5th place. I wish I could of made that last trip for the year cause we would of won for sure cause I would of at least picked up 30 to 40 more shed if not more. Sorry. next year I will hopefully have a new spot besides this one. Got 3 places I am inquiring with now, just got to get the time off to go.