Scouted a new piece of land to hunt tonight and it looked very promising. Will be there this weekend.
You would love it out where I live. 80% of hunting out here is on public. There is always another mountain to scout out and look at
I’m up for the evening, I moved in closer to where I saw the 10 get outa bed. Got setup with a couple doe bedded at 30yds and already had two bucks come by. One was board line a shooter
Had a real fun sit yesterday, saw 7 bucks and 5 doe. Was close to shooting the one buck 2x, but it just didn’t trip my trigger. I’ll keep after it and will connect on a good one sooner or later!
Four doe were working their way across the field to me and vanished right at end of shooting time tonight. Got packed up, made my way down the tree and they when I hit the ground, they started blowing at me! Temps are getting cold overnight now, looking forward to some morning sits later this week.
Figured out my time to go to Missouri. I will go be going second week of November for 10 days. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
She is going with me. We are both from there so it’s not too bad for her lol Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
My first sit of the year is going to be tomorrow evening. One of my 8 year old sons is going to sit in the blind with me. He's super pumped to go. Last year him and his twin brother helped my dad track a doe he shot and started calling themselves "the jerky squad!" They picked up the trail right away and led us right to her. So fun to watch! Fingers crossed we have some action. Sent from my SM-S908U using Forums mobile app
Had a pretty uneventful sit last night, going to start hunting the farm and nock some doe down. Need to fill the freezer!
I yinged, they yanged yesterday morning. Have a plan for tomorrow, but they probably do too. lol Need to get the freezer full, just used the last pack of ground last night for dinner. Still have steaks and 1 backstrap left.
I'm heading out this afternoon to have my first sit. Going to be warm but it will be fun having one of my boys with me. Sent from my SM-S908U using Forums mobile app